Public Service Recognition Week

  • Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller and Federal Times Senior Writer Andy Medici will discuss OMB's budget guidance memo, and OPM Director Katherine Archuleta will give us an update on Public Service Recognition Week. May 7, 2014

    May 07, 2014
  • Federal Drive Co-host Tom Temin lined up with the rest of the participants in Sunday's Public Service 5K Run/Walk at Anacostia Park in D.C. On his head, a Go-Pro video camera catching all of the action from the race.

    May 06, 2014
  • Monday is the first work day of this year's Public Service Recognition Week. All this week organizations and people from cabinet secretaries and the Senate to the Washington Nationals will celebrate the work of people like you. Jenny Mattingley, director of government affairs at Shaw Bransford and Roth, tells In Depth with Francis Rose what you can expect this week.

    May 05, 2014
  • Public Service Recognition Week kicked off yesterday with a 5K run in Anacostia Park and a social media campaign to say thank you in 140 characters. This year's theme is "Proud to Serve." Director of the Office of Personnel Management Katherine Archuleta told Federal News's Radio's Mike Causey and Lauren Larson why she thinks this week is important. Read Federal News Radio's related article.

    May 05, 2014
  • Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta tells Federal News Radio that federal workers deserve the attention they receive during Public Service Recognition Week.

    May 05, 2014
  • Financial advisor Arthur Stein will answer your calls and emails about the TSP. Also, Andy Medici and Amber Corrin of the Federal Times will discuss, among other things, Public Service Recognition Week and the recently passed DATA Act. April 30, 2014

    April 30, 2014
  • Tony Vergnetti hosts a roundtable discussion of the Public Employees Roundtable and Public Service Recognition Week. April 25, 2014

    April 25, 2014
  • Host Mike Causey will discuss the OPM retirement processing backlog with NARFE Legislative Director Jessica Klement and the Federal Times' Stephen Losey. May 8, 2013

    May 08, 2013
  • Mid-career employees are a scarcity in government. While agencies are awash with employees at the early career stage and those with 20-plus years of federal service, there aren't enough in the middle stages, and that has federal managers worried. Agencies like EPA and HUD are taking matters into their own hands. Both are launching new efforts aimed at keeping mid-career feds from leaving government for the private sector.

    May 07, 2013
  • The Partnership for Public Service named 31 individuals and teams as finalists for the 2013 Service to America Medals. The annual awards recognize outstanding work in public service.

    May 06, 2013
  • Jenny Mattingley will host a roundtable discussion of the events during Public Service Recognition Week. April 26, 2013

    April 26, 2013
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 11, 2012
  • Some departments are improving personnel practices around recruitment and knowledge management even in the face of pay freezes and criticisms of public servants. DHS created a higher education engagement group to bring in college students. GSA finds quality of applicants still strong. Senior leaders highlight successes during Public Service Recognition Week.

    May 09, 2012
  • A roundtable discussion of the events at this years' Public Service Recognition Week. April 20, 2012

    April 19, 2012