Records management

  • The Obama administration has laid out an ambitious roadmap for agencies to phase out the use of paper records by 2020 in favor of managing nearly all records electronically. Sue Trombley, the director of consulting for Iron Mountain, joins Industry Chatter to discuss the ways the private sector can help agencies build on the government's guidance.

    October 04, 2012
  • A new directive requiring agencies to move to electronic forms of record-keeping by 2020 will push an often two-steps-behind federal government fully into the 21st century, said Paul Wester, the director of modern records program at the National Archives and Records Administration. A key part of the directive is to expand and elevate the role of agency records managers. The guidance directs NARA and the Office of Personnel Management to develop a specific records-management career track institutionalize responsibilities and best practices.

    August 27, 2012
  • A new White House directive provides a roadmap for agencies to phase out the use of paper record-keeping by the end of the decade. By Dec. 31, 2019, federal agencies will be required, "to the fullest extent possible," to manage records electronically — including digital forms of communication, such as email — according to a directive from the Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives and Records Administration.

    August 24, 2012
  • Damon Davis, special assistant at HHS' Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, talks about how the BlueButton Initiative is improving healthcare IT at his agency. August 21, 2012

    August 21, 2012
  • Mario Hyland from will talk about exchanging information between medical systems. July 31, 2012(Encore presentation August 28, 2012)

    July 31, 2012
  • Federal agencies continue to struggle with properly managing their records, and the changing nature and technology of 21st-century record-keeping could throw a further wrench in the process, according to an annual report from the National Archives and Records Administration.

    May 02, 2012
  • In a new memo, President Barack Obama tasked agencies with reviewing their policies for storing and managing electronic communications, including emails and social media postings. Agencies must submit reviews of their current policies in 120 days. Meanwhile, the National Archives and Records Administration plans to develop a governmentwide framework.

    November 28, 2011
  • Under the America Competes Act, an interagency working group issued a RFI asking for input across 13 areas on how to ensure federally-funded research data is available for the long-term.

    November 04, 2011
  • The archives is working with the CIO Council to figure out how to move records stored in the cloud more easily and ensure their authenticity. Mike Wash, NARA\'s CIO, said this is a problem looming for every agency as more and more of them move to the cloud computing. NARA is considering how to move its internal email to a managed service provider. October 12, 2011(Encore presentation November 24, 2011)

    October 12, 2011
  • A record year for insurance crop claims pushes RMA\'s systems to the brink. Chad Sheridan, RMA\'s CIO, said recent modernization efforts kept the agency\'s systems processing and paying claims. October 6,2011

    October 06, 2011
  • Under 10-year, $240 million deal, IBM will provide operation and maintenance support and provide enhancements as necessary to the Electronic Record Archive system. NARA is considering improving search capabilities for agency customers of ERA. NARA CIO Mike Wash said more and more agencies are transferring data and using the system.

    October 03, 2011
  • USDA\'s Rodger Matthews discusses records management of social media, balancing open access with security requirements, and quick wins that federal agencies can do to improve their programs.

    June 08, 2011
  • Moving into a new building has allowed DISA to revamp its technology infrastructure, including consolidating circuits, servers and paper records. The Joint Task Force, National Capital Region Medical is building a new network to carry health data and applications for three services to share. Both organizations say without BRAC, these changes would have taken longer to happen.

    May 10, 2011
  • The blanket purchase agreement could be worth $2.5 billion over five years. GSA wants vendors to bid on email-as-a-service, office automation and records management.

    May 10, 2011