
  • A survey of nearly 60,000 college students found some federal agencies rank high as ideal employers post-graduation.

    May 24, 2012
  • Some departments are improving personnel practices around recruitment and knowledge management even in the face of pay freezes and criticisms of public servants. DHS created a higher education engagement group to bring in college students. GSA finds quality of applicants still strong. Senior leaders highlight successes during Public Service Recognition Week.

    May 09, 2012
  • Recent data from the Office of Personnel Management suggests that the long-predicted retirement tsunami of federal employees may have started. As more and more baby boomers opt to retire, a vacuum of knowledge and experience is being left behind at many agencies. Some federal managers are now scrambling to figure out ways to ride out the wave.

    April 19, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management launches a new portal to help managers improve how they bring new employees into the government. is available for all feds to share best practices, find tools and solve challenges as Federal Service Ambassadors.

    May 06, 2011
  • How your agency can turn the interest of millenials into action and encourage them to come aboard was the topic of a recent roundtable. We get details from John Della Volpe, polling director at the Harvard Institute of Politics.

    January 31, 2011
  • Part of \"The Need for the Next Generation\" special report, GAO explains how the watchdog agency re-imagined its brand and recruiting methods to become a highly competitive agency for young people to work for.

    January 24, 2011
  • helps young adults plan their next steps in life by bringing together the most recently available information about colleges, careers and military service. DoD\'s Matt Boehmer explains.

    November 02, 2010
  • It\'s been some of the best of times for military recruiters. In fact, fiscal 2010 has been a banner year for military recruitment and retention, according to the Defense Department website.

    October 13, 2010
  • The Moonbase Alpha game is a proof of concept to show how NASA content could be combined with a cutting-edge game engine to produce an experience that inspires interest in science, technology, engineering and math - skills critical to achieving NASA\'s exploration goals. We get details from Dr. Daniel Laughlin, project manager.

    July 06, 2010
  • Tim McManus of the Partnership for Public Service tells us about his recent Congressional testimony.

    June 25, 2010
  • Vice Admiral Mark Ferguson explains how work-life balance is making the difference in retention for the Navy.

    June 01, 2010
  • Although the legislation has stalled twice in Congress, supporters of a bill that would increase scholarships for students pursuing public service are now saying that federal staff shortages have helped build momentum for the idea.…

    August 14, 2009
  • By Emily McKenna FederalNewsRadio The Office of Personnel Management wants the Chief Human Capital Officers to provide more organized attention to the 3R’s: recruitment, relocation, and retention incentives. OPM director John Berry outlined these requests…

    July 16, 2009
  • What is the federal government doing to attract and retain employees in the 21st Century? The Office of Personnel Management has developed its Career Patterns Initiative to help with the hiring issues federal managers face.…

    November 12, 2008