Securities and Exchange Commission

  • Owen Donley of the Securities and Exchange Commission describes a new investment opportunity, crowdfunding, and outlines its risks.

    October 08, 2016
  • Imagine a company as high tech as Apple or Intel submitting legally required financial reports on PDFs and other non-machine-readable documents. That's what happens every day at agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission. Representative Randy Hultgren (R- Ill.) wants to change that. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss a new bill he's co-sponsoring, the Financial Transparency Act.

    September 14, 2016
  • Jason Gray comes over to the Education Department from the Transportation Department to replace Danny Harris as the CIO. State Department CIO Steve Taylor is expected to move to a new position in the coming month as well.

    June 06, 2016
  • Owen Donley of the Securities and Exchange Commission outlines the risks of a new type of investment investment opportunity — crowdfunding.

    May 21, 2016
  • For years the Securities and Exchange Commission has been seen as perhaps a step behind the securities fraudsters it's charged with stopping. But at least one branch is embracing the technological future, using the latest electronic tools to spot potential wrongdoing. Lori Walsh is the chief of the SEC's Center for Risk and Quantitative Analytics. It houses some of the agency's brightest minds, all focused on stopping new forms of Wall Street crime. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how they're going about it.

    December 22, 2014
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts give us an update on Dodd-Frank, and how businesses would be impacted if trans fat is eliminated from the nation's food supply. December 5, 2013

    December 03, 2013
  • On this week's edition of Bloomberg Government's Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss the deficit's impact on Medicare and Medicaid, the costs of requiring capital buffers on money market funds. Plus, what legislation will Congress tackle in its lame-duck session? Setember 27, 2012

    September 27, 2012