Stephen Lynch

  • Congressman Stephen Lynch\'s bill would require openness of contracts and stricter guidelines when it comes to agreements with Pharmacy Benefit Managers.

    March 17, 2011
  • Director John Berry pushes back against claims from members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that federal employees are overpaid. Rep. Issa called the pay freeze a \"farce\" and wants step-increases frozen for this year. Berry and Democrat lawmakers continue to make the case that feds deserve their salaries.

    March 09, 2011
  • Postmaster General Pat Donahoe said he\'s ready to announce more RIFs and without legislative help USPS will face insolvency this year. Sen. Susan Collins introduced a bill to help solve some of the challenges the Postal Services faces.

    March 03, 2011
  • High unemployment in the private sector and continuing economic woes are making some people focus on the pay and benefits of federal workers as being too high compared with those in industry. But one of the top House lawmakers whose subcommittee focuses on the concerns of federal workers dismissed much of the criticism over pay and benefits. Rep. Stephen Lynch said much of the unfounded comments, some of which is based on inaccurate information, hurts the government\'s efforts to bring smart people into public service.

    August 23, 2010
  • Senate passes a bill that calls for many of the same changes the administration is asking for. House committee wants more answers about how the reforms would affect the hiring of veterans. OPM promises more answers in 90 days.

    May 20, 2010
  • Federal agencies were on the front lines responding to the H1N1 swine flu virus. A congressional committee yesterday examined whether those in charge did enough to protect workers responding to the disease. Congressman Stephen Lynch…

    May 15, 2009