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  • If you are under the use-it-or-lose-it FERS plan, is sick leave only for when you are sick or can you use it any way you choose? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s a question lots of feds are asking.

    February 27, 2008
  • Casey Coleman Chief Information Officer General Services Administration February 26th, 2008

    February 26, 2008
  • If inflation continues at its current rate, most federal retirees will get a bigger cost of living adjustment next year than the 2.3 percent they got last month. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says many retirees think somebody is watering-down their COLA.

    February 26, 2008
  • Darren Ash Chief Information Officer February 28th, 2008

    February 25, 2008
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that as Congress considers some kind of incentive for FERS employees to save sick leave there\'s an internal debate whether the leave is a form of insurance or an entitlement.

    February 25, 2008
  • Joan Daly President and CEO Daly Associates February 22nd, 2008 (Reaired February 29th, 2008)

    February 22, 2008
  • Is your letter carrier a lean, mean walking machine or is he or she getting bigger every year? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports that Australia had to raise the weight limit for its delivery personnel and, while solving one problem has created another.

    February 22, 2008
  • Mark Warner Former Governor of Virginia Reg Weaver President, National Education Association Cecil Roberts President, United Mine Workers of America Stan Painter Chairman, AFGE National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals

    February 21, 2008
  • Do you have a rainy day fund? If not, why not? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the financial pros recommend you have money to cover 6 months of expenses set aside. So how do you do that?

    February 21, 2008
  • In the rough and tumble world of politics and political campaigning, one of the worst things that can happen is premature evaluation. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains political endorsements inside the federal establishment.

    February 20, 2008
  • While cash strapped companies plan to follow the federal lead and offer buyouts, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the Chief Executive wants future retirees to pay more for health insurance.

    February 19, 2008
  • Tyler Duvall Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy February 18, 2008

    February 18, 2008
  • Zalmai Azmi Chief Information Officer February 21st, 2008

    February 18, 2008
  • If George Washington were alive today he would be amazed at several things, including how many aches and pains a 276 year old has, and the size of the federal government. For a look back, check out Mike\'s column today.

    February 18, 2008