Stephen Hawking, who may be the smartest person on the planet, says we humans have less than 100 years before artificial intelligence takes over our lives. We ran it by a federal computer expert who says the clock is ticking.
Why do people outside the Beltway hate Washington so much? To solve this mystery, we reached out to a fed named Ken, who was more than happy to comply. He had lots to say, including the fact that what we produce here are the instructions others have to follow.
Dreaming of retirement and facing the reality of it are two very different things, so we talked with a long-time fed who worked for HUD and made a checklist, which says that retiring as early as possible is the way to go.
Have you protected your TSP from the next stock market crash? Financial planner Arthur Stein will explain what you should be doing now to protect your financial assets when he joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn. July 5, 2017
If you've got the day off and are just lazing around, good for you, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
Taking vacation is important to both your physical and mental health, so we checked in with a long-time fed in Michigan about her favorite spots.
Nine bold House Republicans have challenged the White House plan to cut federal retirement benefits by $149 billion.
Friday is D-Day, as in Decimation Day, when federal agencies are supposed to unveil and reveal their downsizing plans, which will mean buyouts, early outs and layoffs for some.
Congress and the White House have a laser-focus on four major parts of the federal civil service retirement program. So which one is going to get the ax?
If you've got kids or grandchildren and you’ve got a phone, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you may also have a bull's-eye painted on your purse or wallet.
There are three ways federal investors can join the million-dollar Thrift Savings Plan club. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says investing steadily produces the most millionaires.
Federal retirees beware: What if your grandson calls and says he's in jail on a DUI and needs you to wire the court $2,800 ASAP? Most people would probably get the cash then find a place they could wire it, only to learn it's a scam.
At the bottom of the Great Recession in March 2009, many federal workers and retirees saw their Thrift Savings Plan accounts drop as much as 40 percent. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, what's your plan for the next downturn?
Good news: Stock market is at an all-time high. Bad news: The market is long overdue for a major correction. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, do you have a Plan B for your TSP?
What's it like to work for the world's largest nonprofit whose top brass are mostly millionaires looking to cut your pay and pension?