Federal Report

  • Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to pay taxes ... or paid only for things we like and want? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey consulted a longtime legal eagle at the Treasury Department and she had some interesting points.

    August 27, 2012
  • Want to know who's going to win the November election? Forget about the Beltway-bound pundits, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Check with career civil servants who have been watching their political masters for signs of fear or euphoria...

    August 24, 2012
  • We've been to the surface of the moon, and the bottom of the ocean but as yet, no one has answered the eternal question: Is there life after retirement? Today we have some clues, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    August 23, 2012
  • What makes a great federal leader? One of our readers says the formula is simple - behave in a manner that would make her daughter (or your kids) want to be like you!

    August 22, 2012
  • Uncle Sam employs a larger percentage of veterans than any big company in the nation...we know it's policy and it's the right thing to do. But is it a good idea? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports that a been-there-done-that type says "Roger that..."

    August 21, 2012
  • No ifs, ands or butts. Smoking is an issue at many federal agencies. A lot of nonsmokers resent giving people time off for what they consider is an unhealthy, smelly habit. But smokers say what they are doing is no worse than people who overeat or use their government computers for some naughty purposes. Where there's smoke there's fire.

    August 20, 2012
  • Federal workers are going to be doing the limbo on a hot seat for much of the rest of the year, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. Will sequestration kick in with its major across-the-board cuts, will the continuing resolution save the day and what if nothing happens, which seems to be what happens a lot these days?

    August 17, 2012
  • What has the recession, the pay freeze and this summer's heat done to the dress code in your office? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Are you seeing more of your co-workers and enjoying it less?

    August 16, 2012
  • Host Mike Causey moderates a roundtable discussion of sequestration, postal service buyouts, and more. August 15, 2012

    August 15, 2012
  • Coming soon...maybe...to a federal agency near you: Sequestration. Everybody is talking about it and nobody is doing anything about it. Congress set up the Dr. Strangelove-like time bomb to force it to do something...but so far nobody is doing anything but warning about federal furloughs and layoffs that could also devastate the contractor community.....

    August 15, 2012
  • If you've been in government for a while, you are accustomed to operating without a budget...but every time Congress fails to do its job, federal agencies, federal workers and federal taxpayers suffer...

    August 14, 2012
  • Unless you get a better offer or drop dead before your time odds are you are going to eventually retire from the government...maybe in the same job you have now. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, how soon should your realistic retirement planning begin.

    August 13, 2012
  • While some federal agencies are offering buyouts ranging from $15,000 to $25,000, the giant Social Security Administration is trying a new approach: No Cal buyouts. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says if they catch on, your agency may be next.

    August 10, 2012
  • You've got two operations: one that brings in most of the money, the other that dispenses a lot of it to people in need. Times are tough, so tough you are borrowing billions of dollars from China. So what do you do? You trim the staff at both operations, thus limiting your badly needed revenue while also reducing services.

    August 09, 2012

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Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

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