Mike Causey

  • Long term care insurance premiums are going up 5 to 25 percent next year, but there may be, just may be, a way you can minimize the impact of the new premiums. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports.

    September 16, 2009
  • September 16, 2009 - Certified Financial Planner Art Stein talks about LTC, investing and how the TSP is doing so far.

    September 15, 2009
  • When Congress passed the Tobacco bill, many federal and postal workers and retirees got short-changed because it moved so quickly. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says they have a fighting chance to recoup some of those losses in the pending Defense Authorization battle between the House and Senate.

    September 14, 2009
  • Remember where you were on this date in 2001? For many of us it is the Pearl Harbor moment of our lives. For others, not so much. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey remembers that day and some heroic people then, and now.

    September 11, 2009
  • Is there a lovable loser in your federal family? Someone who needs a hug? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a simple, you-can\'t-lose quiz to make them feel better.

    September 10, 2009
  • Are you working for peanuts, even if you have a good, high-paying job? Benefits expert John Elliott says that for some, maybe many, feds the best financial move they could make would be to retire. Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column (and radio show) today.

    September 09, 2009
  • Doing a news round up this time of year is easier said than done. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey pulls it off by looking at changes in your federal benefits.

    September 08, 2009
  • Should some federal workers be paid not to get sick when others employees, in the same office, don\'t have that incentive. Mike Causey says its a 40year old problem that Congress will take up again next week.

    September 04, 2009
  • If you had to bet which federal agency can build the best mousetrap, or sculpture out of food, would you pick State, Interior, GSA or OPM? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has the inside track on the winner-to-be.

    August 25, 2009
  • For many otherwise normal federal workers, the middle weeks of August are the most trying. That\'s because whatever passes for dress codes is often overwhelmed by the heat and humidity. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tells you how to survive.

    August 21, 2009
  • August 19, 2009 - CPA Bob Leins

    August 19, 2009
  • Do you make too much money to be eligible for a Roth option? If so, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that\'s about to change.

    August 19, 2009
  • Unless you like spandex, bare midriffs and super brief (or baggy) shorts, the next two weeks at the office are going to be tough on you. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey previews \"The Grunts of August.\"

    August 17, 2009
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey needs your help.

    August 13, 2009
  • Most people have heard the pay-yourself-first financial advice, but what does that mean? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asked CFP Rebecca Schreiber who says it starts with an emergency fund.

    August 11, 2009