Mike Causey

  • It\'s Christmas and time for Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s traditional Mushy Christmas column. With lots of readers, it\'s even more popular than fruitcake.

    December 25, 2008
  • What are your odds of making it through next year without a financially catastrophic illness or accident in your family? Check out today\'s Federal Report for your 2009 Survival Kit.

    December 24, 2008
  • When the cost of living goes down, fears of retirement cuts go up. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says fear not!

    December 23, 2008
  • Federal workers in many big cities will be getting raises of 4 percent or more in January. For a city-by-city look at the new locality pay raises check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s Federal Report.

    December 22, 2008
  • Looking for the smartest person in your neighborhood or family? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you might start by looking in the mirror. How come? Check it out!

    December 19, 2008
  • The health insurance open season ended Dec. 8 but federal agencies are still taking \"belated enrollments.\" So, how come? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains the new 2009 changes for the most popular federal health plan.

    December 18, 2008
  • Many states now allow dependent children over age 22 to remain on their parents health insurance plans. So how does this effect the federal employee health benefits program? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey gives you a state-by-state tour.

    December 16, 2008
  • Many in the private sector think that federal workers do nothing but whine and complain. If you know somebody like that, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today and pass it on to a friend.

    December 12, 2008
  • Many feds are downright paranoid over the status of their, maybe, bonus holiday, the reality of their January pay raise or fearful about the 2009 COLA for retirees. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says relax. Almost all is well.

    December 11, 2008
  • Much of the federal world is awaiting word as to whether the Day After Christmas will be a bonus holiday, but if you want the time off Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says design your own holiday. It\'s a win-win situation!

    December 10, 2008
  • Have you ever thought about marrying your favorite postal clerk or letter carrier? Better yet, consider somebody with the FDIC! Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says their health insurance coverage costs less.

    December 08, 2008
  • In these tough economic times it pays to work for Uncle Sam. While feds are hoping for a bonus Dec. 26th holiday, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey points out that some state government workers are looking at furloughs.

    December 05, 2008
  • So what\'s Washington talking about? The transition, the economy, war in the middle east? Try again. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says inquiring minds want to know what\'s going to happen on December 26th.

    December 04, 2008
  • Health premiums got you worried? Welcome to the club. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is a way to save as much as $1,500 next year if you do a little bit of homework. Your assignment: Read today\'s column.

    December 03, 2008

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Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

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