
  • GAO has recommendations for what more agencies and OPM can do to recruit and keep talented workers

    December 20, 2010
  • The House and Senate have passed a short-term continuing resolution that will keep the government operating until Dec. 21, 2010.

    December 18, 2010
  • From Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller: The House passed a continuing resolution to keep the government open three more days—until Dec. 21. The House passed the bill by voice vote today. Congress passed a CR earlier this month to keep the government open through Dec. 18. The Senate hoped to pass an omnibus appropriations bill, [...]

    December 17, 2010
  • From Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller: The House passed a continuing resolution to keep the government open three more days—until Dec. 21. The House passed the bill by voice vote today. Congress passed a CR earlier this month to keep the government open through Dec. 18. The Senate hoped to pass an omnibus appropriations bill, [...]

    December 17, 2010
  • POLITICO reporter Shira Toeplitz explains why the last-minute pull-out of the omnibus bill is so odd.

    December 17, 2010
  • Gov Info Security reports that measures to create an Office of Cyber were eliminated from the defense spending bill.

    December 17, 2010
  • Federal workforce issues have become a hot topic on Capitol Hill. Host Bill Bransford talks the good, the bad, and the ugly with Dan Adcock of NARFE and Jessica Klement of FMA. December 17, 2010

    December 17, 2010
  • The President is expected to sign into law Friday the sweeping bipartisan tax package that includes a tax break for social security and a continuation of the public transit benefit.

    December 17, 2010
  • The agency is deciding whether or not to move forward with the contract option for operations and maintenance with Lockheed Martin. GAO and OMB say the project has multiple problems, including more than a $200 million increase in the total cost for ERA and a lack of usage by agencies. After going through a TechStat sessions, NARA and OMB decided to stop enhancing the system and focus on use.

    December 17, 2010
  • Our founding fathers set age limits for serving in Congress and the White House. Imagine how things would have turned out if they had required an IQ test for politicians. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the current Congress is an example of how not to do things.

    December 17, 2010
  • A bill passed by the Senate aims to increase government accountability by creating a performance officer at each agency.

    December 16, 2010
  • This year\'s Census Bureau survey was the most expensive ever at $13 billion. The Government Accountability Office reviews the performance by the Bureau and where it can be more efficient.

    December 16, 2010
  • The House is expected to vote on a temporary continuing resolution today, a House leadership aide tells Federal News Radio. The move will give lawmakers more time to consider a permanent funding bill for the…

    December 16, 2010
  • A Congressionally-mandated report issued by the Defense Department finds the acquisition and budget processes being used for IT were designed for major weapons systems - not 21st century computer systems. The recommendations would let DoD keep pace with rapid developments in the IT marketplace.

    December 16, 2010