Army modernization leaders say they\'ve gotten a bad rap on acquisition, and they claim it\'s undeserved. They point to several wartime success stories, and say they\'re implementing suggested reforms.
The Army is pouring lava on its mine-resistant trucks in Afghanistan to help protect trucks\' windshields.
Sharon Burke, the assistant secretary of defense for operational energy plans and programs, says saving energy takes risks out of the battlefield.
With cyber skills in high demand, military and General Schedule pay scales can\'t possibly compete with industry paychecks. The Air Force hopes to compete by letting airmen make a career out of cyber.
The military service depends on retired federal workers\' expertise to help with policy development and buying goods and services. Congress extended the ability of agencies to hire annuitants through 2015. The Army said these experienced workers are helping to fill the acquisition workforce gaps that it created with huge reductions in the 1990s.
The Army and DISA are using more disciplined processes to implement technology upgrades. Email-in-the-cloud also is giving the Army better a firmer cyber posture, and it opens the door for a host of emerging technologies because of better identity management.
Deputy CIO Mike Krieger said the Secretary of the Army certified the program as technically and financially sound.
Two Germany-based Army brigades will be brought home in 2014. By 2017, the number of U.S. service members in Europe will drop from about 80,000 now to 70,000.
Gary McNeil, a co-manager of EPA\'s Combined Heat and Power Program, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss an award for energy savings earned by two military bases.
The Enterprise Management Decision Support pulls data from 18 different databases to help senior leaders understand the state of divisions, brigades or battalions. Lt. Col. Bobby Saxon said the system helped cut down the time it takes to collect this data by 90 percent. February 16, 2012(Encore presentation April 12, 2012)
Jim Watkins, the Army\'s director of accountability and audit readiness, says the Army wants to demonstrate to taxpayers that they\'re good stewards of the resources that taxpayers have provided.
Fort Bliss announced the contract award after President Obama called on agencies to save $2 billion using the tool.
The finds of those 17,000 jobs, the Army brought the most contractor positions back to federal employees, 42 percent.
The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive host Tom Temin discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air. Today\'s newscast includes (more) pay freeze proposals, Air Force personnel cuts and Obama\'s nominee to head OFPP.
The Army Reserve wants to make it easier for soldiers in the active component of the Army to make their way back and forth to the reserve components. To do it, the Reserve will raise its standards for those who continue to serve.