Federal Report

  • Happy William Henry Harrison day. Actually this holiday, officially known as Washington\'s Birthday Holiday, has been hijacked by merchants hoping you might buy more if it honored more people. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'ll always be GWs birthday to him, and Martha.

    February 20, 2012
  • Federal workers who have been paying attention to the various plans to have them finance unemployment benefits, highways and tax cuts must be confused, if not in a state of shock, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Could it be that the only people who are happy are those who haven\'t been paying attention?

    February 17, 2012
  • Federal Times Editor Steve Watkins, Senior Writer Sean Reilly,and NARFE Legislative Director Julie Tagen will discuss how government employees will be affected by proposed cuts to the federal budget. February 15, 2012

    February 15, 2012
  • When you think of federal workers, the term \"swinger\' isn\'t the first thing that pops into your head. But after some of the changes politicians want to make, anything could happen.

    February 15, 2012
  • When it comes to figuring out whether federal workers are overpaid or underpaid both sides need to remember the basic carpenters rule: Measure twice, cut once. How come? Sometimes when doing complex math even the experts get it wrong, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says — even rocket scientists.

    February 15, 2012
  • If you are unhappy in your job, and morale in your office is in the tank, you are not alone. A new survey by Federal News Radio indicates that managers and rank-and-file employees are on the same page when it comes to job satisfaction. Starting tomorrow, Federal News Radio will begin a three-day series on the problem and some possible solutions to it.

    February 14, 2012
  • White-collar federal workers on average are either overpaid by about 16 percent or paid an average of 26.3 percent less compared to their private-sector counterparts. Those numbers confirm that there is a pay gap. But that\'s about it, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Could they both be right? Or wrong?

    February 13, 2012
  • Congress is taking a new road, literally, in its drive to trim federal retirement benefits and force civil servants to kick in more to their pension plan, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. This time its the so-called highway bill ...

    February 10, 2012
  • Ever since Washington, D.C., became the nation\'s capital government officials have wrestled — without much success — with what to do with government workers when it snows, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Yesterday, Uncle Sam got to do a first test of a new government snow plan. So, how did it fare?

    February 09, 2012
  • American Federation of Government Employees President Jacque Simon will discuss whether your federal pay and benefits will be cut this year. February 8, 2012

    February 08, 2012
  • A federal worker, who boxed in college and the Army, says in the last two years he\'s gone from a happy-go-lucky fed to feeling like he\'s fighting two opponents and the referee, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey say. So can this get any worse? Short answer, maybe.

    February 08, 2012
  • No matter what condition your hair is in, the vast majority of federal workers get a new wig every one, two or three years. But that may be about to change, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 07, 2012
  • Federal workers are considered lucky that the White House wants them to have a 0.5 percent raise next January. But what would G-men and women of your Mom or Dad\'s era have said to a pay raise of that — new word — minatude, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders.

    February 06, 2012
  • Now that government workers are under attack by politicians, how much clout do federal and postal workers have, and are they going to use it in November? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey searches for answers.

    February 03, 2012