
  • Agencies rely on attracting the best and brightest workers in order to succeed. But those high-potential employees often have options when it comes to job opportunities. That\'s why Aon Consulting created Rewards On Board - a web-based, personalized total rewards profile that helps candidates see the value of benefits an agency offers in addition to pay. When sizing up opportunities, candidates understand the full picture with Rewards on Board, as opposed to the limited view salary only provides.

    June 21, 2010
  • Winners have been announced in the most recent effort under the VA\'s Innovation Initiative, a department-wide program that brings the most promising innovations to VA\'s most important challenges by involving employees and the private sector in the creation of visionary solutions in service to Veterans. VA CTO Dr. Peter Levin has details.

    June 21, 2010
  • The Department of Health and Human Services has made it possible for vendors to certify that their electronic health records hardware and software meet the definition of meaningful use for health information technology. Dr. John Loonsk, former director of interoperability and standards in the Office of the National Coordinator, explains what this means.

    June 21, 2010
  • I had the pleasure of moderating a panel last week… ostensibly on green IT, but it ended up being about the larger issue of green government. The program was sponsored by the Java Team of…

    June 21, 2010
  • The New York Times reports that the Agriculture Department has banned a leading American inspector of organic foods in China for conflicts of interest.

    June 21, 2010
  • It doesn\'t happen as often as the federal workforce might like, but sometimes senior career executives find themselves on an equal footing with political appointees. How do you navigate that situation? We ask Shelby Hallmark, director of the Office of Workers Compensation at the Labor Department.

    June 21, 2010
  • What stories made news for the week of June 13-19? Here are the most read stories across Federal News Radio 1500 AM … on the … for Mike Causey’s Federal Report… on the Federal…

    June 21, 2010
  • President Obama has issued a memo detailing the steps agencies must take to do pre-and post-award audits on who gets federal funds. By the fall, agencies will have to check several databases to ensure the recipient is permitted to get money.

    June 18, 2010
  • Amtower interviews Kevin Plexico, Senior VP for Research and Analysis Services at INPUT. June 21, 2010

    June 18, 2010
  • Presidential memo orders agencies to make changes.

    June 18, 2010
  • A new House bill would require agencies to invest significant time and resources in training managers. We talk with Rep. Jim Moran about the Federal Supervisor Training Act of 2010.

    June 18, 2010
  • \"Performance management isn\'t just a good government idea, it quite frankly is a matter of surviving and hopefully thriving,\" says Michelle Snyder, deputy chief operating officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

    June 18, 2010
  • Women who work for the federal government, like their private sector counterparts, face unique challenges in balancing their personal lives with their careers. For the first time in its 6-year history, the Department of Homeland Security convened a diversity forum designed to give agency women an opportunity to discuss common challenges.

    June 18, 2010