
  • Director of the Office of Procurement Operations at the Homeland Security Department, Soraya Correa has 28 years of experience in procurement, federal assistance, and acquisitions management... and now, an Acquisition Excellence Award!

    May 14, 2010
  • Over a year ago, the U.S. Army, and other branches of the military, were experimenting with the use of the virtual worlds social media site \"Second Life\" as a recruitment tool. Since that time, the military has branched out into using virtual worlds technology as a tool for collaboration. Now, civilian branches of government are looking to do the same thing. Federal News Radio\'s Max Cacas has our exclusive coverage of the Third annual Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference, which concludes today at the National Defense University here in D.C..

    May 14, 2010
  • The concept of doing \"even more with even less\" is a step beyond \"doing more with less.\" Lisa Mascolo of Accenture has some ideas for doing it.

    May 13, 2010
  • The business world seems to move faster every day, and success requires that organizations respond and adapt to rapid-fire change. After a recent merger, two of the world\'s biggest banks managed large-scale change with the help of Rapid Alignment solutions, developed by Aon Consulting. By concentrating on middle managers-- the layer where strategic initiatives often unravel -leadership effectiveness can be dramatically improved, says Aon Consulting.

    May 13, 2010
  • The Obama Administration believes that one of the major planks of an open and transparent government is the ready access to public information by citizens. One of the top federal officials involved in managing the federal government\'s rules and regulations says those who maintain the government\'s paper and electronic records are the \"backbone of a transparent and open government.\"

    May 13, 2010
  • We told you that Bill Piatt had left his post as the chief information officer at the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation — and we suggested that he might be back in the federal world.…

    May 13, 2010
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates proposed making some rather large changes to the Pentagon\'s budget this past weekend. Federal News Radio gets analysis as to what this might mean.

    May 12, 2010
  • Maj. Manny Dominguez had never started a technology organization from scratch. But by June, he not only will have built out the Defense Department\'s new Medical Education and Training Campus from the dirt, but did it on time and under budget. May 13, 2010

    May 12, 2010
  • Reforming the federal hiring process will take more than just the Executive branch. Congress will have to do its part as well. For what\'s ahead, we ask Rep. Gerry Connolly.

    May 12, 2010
  • There\'s a new action plan available that addresses cyber security from an enterprise-wide perspective. We get details from Internet Security Alliance president and CEO, Larry Clinton.

    May 12, 2010
  • Several bureaus say transparency and knowledge management initiatives complement each other. Federal Transit Administration using similar approach for open government strategy as it did to create a knowledge management culture.

    May 12, 2010
  • For the first time in years, people who want to work for the federal government will have an easier time applying for a job. OPM Director John Berry announced the sweeping changes after President Barack Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday.

    May 12, 2010
  • What is gov 2.0, what does it mean, and is it still a relevant term? Those were the questions that were being bandied about at a dinner last week of gov 2.0 luminaries in preparation…

    May 12, 2010