Radio Interviews

  • Written by Ruben Gomez Edited by Suzanne Kubota This morning’s federal news as heard on WFED: House and Senate Democrats have reached agreement on a 2010 budget resolution. The $3.5 trillion dollar blueprint adds funding…

    April 28, 2009
  • The initial meeting of the Senate Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight was last Tuesday. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill is the chairwoman of the committee, and she heard testimony from General Services Administration Inspector General Brian Miller;…

    April 27, 2009
  • The federal government has declared a public health emergency as the number of identified cases of swine flu in the United States is rising. The Centers for Disease Control is preparing for a possible epedemic.…

    April 27, 2009
  • Written by Ruben Gomez Edited by Suzanne Kubota This morning’s federal news as heard on WFED: The White House is setting up incentives for agencies to cut wasteful spending. In his weekly address, President Obama…

    April 27, 2009
  • Transparency, the pressure of handling unprecedented government investment, and complying with performance management initiatives are pushing at Federal executives from all directions. IBM Cognos offered some solutions at their 6th Annual Government Forum, and Robert…

    April 24, 2009
  • To become a better leader, many leadership experts advise you to improve your areas of weakness to become more well-rounded. A new book from two leadership experts, though, says that’s a waste of time. The…

    April 24, 2009
  • Paperwork is never fun, but a new online system from the Labor Department could help companies reduce the time spent filling out forms needed to hire foreign workers. Bill Carlson is the head of the…

    April 24, 2009
  • More than 140 Air Force retirees gathered at the 2009 Push-Pull Exercise to test the Air Force’s ability to recall retirees to active duty. The week-long event was held at Lackland Air Force Base in…

    April 24, 2009
  • Kathleen Sebelius will have to wait a bit longer to take the reigns at the Department of Health and Human Services. The full Senate delayed a vote on her confirmation. That is now likely to…

    April 24, 2009
  • The top job at FEMA is waiting to be filled. The President’s choice to fill it is Craig Fugate. His nomination hearing was yesterday, in the Senate Homeland Security Committee. He answered questions on a…

    April 23, 2009
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates has nominated Air Force Major General Marc Rogers to be inspector general for the Air Force. Rogers is currently vice commander of U.S Air Forces in Europe. If the Senate confirms…

    April 23, 2009
  • The Army Reserve and Customs and Border Protection have signed an agreement aimed at putting reservists into open jobs at the border agency. It’s part of a larger effort by the Army Reserve called the…

    April 22, 2009
  • Reports say the acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac has been found dead in an apparent suicide. CNN’s Dick Uliano brings us the latest details.

    April 22, 2009
  • Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner defended the Troubled Asset Relief Program during a visit to Capitol Hill yesterday. Geithner testified before a Congressional oversight panel about how Treasury is using the $700 billion dollars from the…

    April 22, 2009