Radio Interviews

  • Most people know about the troop surge in Iraq, but one federal agency is preparing for a civilian surge. That agency is the US Agency for International Development, or US-AID. Jeanne Pryor is Deputy Director…

    February 16, 2009
  • Lawmakers urge halt to NSPS pending review (GovExec) Pentagon tightening budget belt Final stimulus bill preserves IT spending, with some exceptions (NextGov) What The Stimulus Means To D.C. (DCist) British, French nuclear subs collide in…

    February 16, 2009
  • One big part of the stimulus package is President Obama’s vow to “green” Federal buildings. A House Transportation subcommittee asked acting GSA Administrator Paul Prouty what his agency will do with the money.

    February 13, 2009
  • A number of questions about FEMA are circulating these days. When will the agency get a new Administrator? Was their response to the disasters in Kentucky and Oklahoma sufficient? And will FEMA get any money…

    February 13, 2009
  • How would you like some more cash in your pocket? Well, there might be some hope in the form of your own personal economic stimulus. Registered Employee Benefit Consultant Ed Zurndorfer joins us to explain.…

    February 13, 2009
  • A few of President Barack Obama’s cabinet nominees have taken heat for tax discrepancies. Some have withdrawn their names from consideration, but Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner didn’t. Is this a double standard? Jonathan Adler is…

    February 13, 2009
  • How do federal agencies work together to keep you safe when there’s a public health scare … like the recent peanut butter salmonella outbreak? Doctor Ali S. Kahn works for the Centers for Disease Control…

    February 13, 2009
  • How do you juggle four different jobs at once? That’s the very situation Congressman Gerry Connolly finds himself in. He has subcommittee assignments on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee – and also sits…

    February 13, 2009
  • White House orders agencies to plan oversight of stimulus spending (GovExec) OPM gives Pentagon personnel system high marks (GovExec) For some, FAA not moving fast enough to modernize air traffic control system (GCN) Obama’s picks…

    February 13, 2009
  • A Senate Budget Committee hearing Tuesday looked at how Federal agencies may be able to change health care policy to provide expanded coverage, and prevent ballooning costs. The Congressional Budget Office recently looked at the…

    February 12, 2009
  • The government’s response to fraud during the economic crisis was on the agenda for the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. Their hearing, “The Need for Increased Fraud Enforcement in the Wake of the Economic Downturn,” included…

    February 12, 2009
  • They’re calling themselves “The League of Extraordinary Republicans“. They’re a group of former Bush Administration employees who work on employment strategies, share information and insights, and help people network. Brent Orrell is a member of…

    February 12, 2009
  • House Republicans are asking the president to reconsider his plan to have the Census Bureau director report directly to the White House instead of the Commerce Secretary. As the saga unfolds, Jonathan Allen has been…

    February 12, 2009
  • Panel scolds FAA for data breach affecting 45,000 employees (FederalTimes) Justice continues to take hits over phony TSP e-mail (GovExec) Construction Groups Decry Obama’s Executive Order on Rules for Federal Building Projects (WashingtonPost) GAO again…

    February 12, 2009