
  • There is a growing mini-debate going on among the gov 2.0 community: Is it “social media” or is it… something else. There are options, but… first off, why should be the term “social media” be…

    September 28, 2009
  • German authorities are bracing for the possibility of terror attacks. On Friday they arrested a 25-year-old Turkish man they suspected of posting a video on the internet threatening Germany with an attack after yesterday\'s federal election. German media report pictures of Berlin\'s Brandenburg Gate and the Frankfurt skyline, and photos of top Germany government official were posted on the internet along with a threat the government believe came from the Taliban. The U.S. State Department, in a sign of just how serious this all is, is warning Americans to keep a low profile if they go to Germany.

    September 28, 2009
  • Cyber threats like the ConFicker worm have pushed government to respond swiftly, but experts say those fixes eventually wear off like Band-Aids® . So the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is working to…

    September 28, 2009
  • The hottest ticket in town — by far — is Input’s breakfast on Thursday, Oct. 8 featuring Roger Baker, the CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The event has more than 425 people registered…

    September 25, 2009
  • The Department of Health and Human Services’ deputy assistant secretary of minority health says improvements in technology will reduce disparities in care in poor and minority populations. Speaking during National Health IT Week in D.C.,…

    September 24, 2009
  • Obstetricians and nurses may soon be able to remotely access and monitor their patients’ vital signs. The new technology will give doctors and nurses real-time, remote access to fetal and maternal data like fetal heart…

    September 24, 2009
  • Information sharing is one of the most vexing issues for government. So, the Industry Advisory Council decided it would be good to share information on information sharing — and they have a new white paper…

    September 23, 2009
  • Theresa Cullen CIO Sept. 24, 2009

    September 22, 2009
  • The US Citizenship and Immigration Services has rebuilt its website in an extreme online makeover to streamline business at the agency. Text messaging, e-mail and cell-phone tools have been added in the hopes that wait times can be cut.

    September 22, 2009
  • It’s an extreme online makeover to streamline business at the agency charged with managing citizenship applications. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services is adding e-mail and cell-phone tools to its site that will allow incoming…

    September 22, 2009
  • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center CIO Linda Cureton has just been named the NASA CIO. More soon.

    September 21, 2009
  • Two health care groups are coming together to improve national efforts to implement electronic medical records and promote interoperability. The National Transitions of Care Coalition recently joined forces with the Health Information Technology Work Group.…

    September 18, 2009
  • Is paperwork preventing you from scheduling an annual checkup with your doctor? According to a new IBM study, one out of every four Americans haven’t scheduled a wellness visit in the last year because of…

    September 18, 2009
  • Mission accomplished. That’s what one national health IT group is saying. The National Health Alliance for Health Information Technology has deemed its goal of moving health IT into a front and center role as a…

    September 18, 2009



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