ACT-IAC's Suzanne Komara and Stu Hammer explain how the group is giving agencies a roadmap for how to improve their FITARA scores.
PEER says their lawsuit has forced FAA to address helicopter/airplane noise at parks. Senior Counsel Paula Dinerstein joined Federal Drive to discuss.
Brian Wagner, president of the National Association of Postal Supervisors, explains why the group is suing USPS for higher postal manager pay.
Last week, the Senate passed the Federal Agency Customer Experience Act, which would make it easier for agencies to gather voluntary customer feedback.
For the latest, Tom Temin spoke with Bob Metzger, an attorney at Rogers, Joseph O'Donnell and co-author of the Mitre Report "Deliver Uncompromised."
GAO said VA doesn’t have a comprehensive definition of its current VistA system, or how much it’s spending to keep it up and running.
Willie Crenshaw, the program executive for the CDM office at NASA, said teams of employees are educating mission areas about the cyber initiative and learning about new priorities.
The IRS implemented hundreds of recommendations Nina Olson made for administrative change, and 15 bills to implement her recommendations were signed into law.