Federal Drive

  • The Navy has to make some sink-or-swim decisions if it wants to remain intact. It must either maintain its fleet size and global presence and risk breaking the force or shrink to what it can afford. That's one finding of a comprehensive study by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Former Navy Officer Bryan Clark, a senior fellow at the Center, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about how these decisions could affect the force.

    November 19, 2015
  • In Thursday's Federal Headlines, the 2016 National Counter-Intelligence Strategy focuses on foreign intelligence entity threats and creating and using intelligence techniques against them.

    November 19, 2015
  • Chief financial officers say they have more responsibilities than ever. It's been 25 years since Congress passed the CFO Act. But CFOs say they still have some of the same challenges they encountered back in 1990 — plus a few more, as Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin. Read Nicole's related story.

    November 19, 2015
  • You learn a thing or two after 35 years in federal management. David Haun led efforts at the Office of Management and Budget during creation of the Homeland Security Department. More recently, he's managed OMB's oversight portfolio for departments that together spend $150 billion a year. He's received just about all the awards a career civil servant can. Now he's joined the public sector practice at Grant Thornton and Thursday joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to share what big management hurdles remain for the federal government.

    November 19, 2015
  • The 2020 population count is five years away, a blink of an eye for the Census Bureau. It has to make big decisions now on technology for conducting the count and it needs time to test everything out. Those challenges have caught the attention of the Government Accountability Office. Carol Cha, director of IT Acquisition Management Issues at GAO, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin more about the Census' plan.

    November 18, 2015
  • Federal Chief Information Officer Tony Scott said legacy IT systems are causing the biggest technology challenges that agencies face today in cybersecurity, mission effectiveness and mobility. Federal News Radio’s Executive Editor Jason Miller joins tells Emily Kopp on Federal Drive with Tom Temin what's being done about the problem of decades-old systems.

    November 18, 2015
  • Agencies have no trouble generating data. But what good is it? The Commerce Department is launching a data service to make its vast stores of information more useful to decision makers. Ian Kalin is the chief data officer at the Commerce. He tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the new service.

    November 18, 2015
  • The Education Department’s inspector general said its white-hat hackers were able to compromise the department’s main enterprise IT system. They gained unfettered access to the network. As Federal News Radio’s Jared Serbu tells Emily Kopp on Federal Drive with Tom Temin, it’s just one reason the department's cybersecurity posture got an unfavorable review.

    November 18, 2015
  • In Wednesday's Federal Headlines, NASA’s chief financial officer said the audit determination reflects the agency’s strong commitment to excellence. NASA is also consistently ranked the best agency to work for in government.

    November 18, 2015
  • As agencies with crucial missions stumble out of mistakes, don't forget to celebrate the small victories.

    November 18, 2015
  • Washington officials are like moths drawn to the flame of Silicon Valley. They see it as a source of talent, ideas and technology. And it is. But it's not the only place they find those things. Virginia venture capitalist Jonathan Aberman tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin a more careful approach to acquisition can tease out the best from industry no matter what the location.

    November 17, 2015
  • In Tuesday's Federal Headlines, the Justice's inspector general said finding and hiring the right cyber experts is one of the department's biggest challenges.

    November 17, 2015
  • Anticipating what procedures and medicines work and don't work before illness or injury treatment starts can save lives. It can also reduce pain and suffering and lower the cost of health care. Sriram Vishwanath is a professor at the University of Texas, Austin in the Cockrell School of Engineering and co-founder and CEO of Accordion Health. He tells Federal News Radio’s Lauren Larson on Federal Drive with Tom Temin how health care providers are beginning to understand all of the benefits predictive analytics can bring.

    November 17, 2015
  • Beth Cobert is about to go before the Senate for the first time since becoming the acting director of the Office of Personnel Management. President Barack Obama has tapped her to become the permanent OPM chief. That means a Senate nomination hearing. Cobert took over the agency following hacks on OPM databases that left 22 million people vulnerable and the hasty departure of her predecessor, Katherine Archuleta. Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin the cybersecurity breach is the first of many things Cobert will be asked about.

    November 17, 2015