
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. \"Can your network save your agency money and still deliver bandwidth efficient service?\" The answer is yes and the savings are at the field office. Here\'s how: don\'t pay for high cost, dedicated access lines and MPLS ports for field office connectivity. Instead, call Hughes and get an affordable managed broadband service the benefits are huge. By replacing costly special access with affordable broadband, Hughes can save your agency up to $300 per month, per site multiply that by all your field offices and see the savings take off. Or…maybe you think your network should provide better service for the cost of what you already pay. Whether it\'s more savings or better quality, Hughes\' National Managed Broadband Service is the answer. And get a path diverse, back up solution for the same price as your primary network alone. Enable your government field office of the future from Hughes.

    April 20, 2011
  • Security designs for the new Mark Center have been posted online. In a major breach of security, Defense officials admit a document describing the bomb-proofing security plans for the new Defense building were published on a public website for the Army Corps of Engineers.

    April 20, 2011
  • Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) sees a perfect storm in the future for federal employees and anyone else trying to commute through his district as a result of BRAC. He tells Federal News Radio he\'s at his wits\' end trying to avert a traffic disaster.

    April 20, 2011
  • The agency IG wrote a letter to the attorneys for Adair Martinez saying they overstated or misstated the facts about their investigation. George Opfer said his investigators followed protocol during discovery of the allegations of fraud and misconduct by Martinez in their August 2009 report. The MSPB ruled earlier this month that Martinez didn\'t receive due process and was wrongfully terminated.

    April 20, 2011
  • Your agency is hiring people to lock down its networks, but finding qualified professionals is getting harder.

    April 19, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management has produced guidelines for implementing a policy for telework. The guide outlines expectations of teleworkers and reminds agencies of the June 7 deadline to finalize their policies.

    April 19, 2011
  • The scorecards provide a benchmark on agencies\' progress to meet the mandate. Each agency will update its sustainability plan based on its scorecard performance, according to a joint statement from the Office of Management and Budget and the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

    April 19, 2011
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. \"How much bandwidth is needed for field offices to meet their agency missions?\" The answer? It depends on your mission and your network one size does not fit all. Too little at some sites may mean you can\'t run critical bandwidth-hungry applications. Too much at others means you\'re wasting tax dollars. You need to tailor bandwidth requirements at each location to ensure your network achieves your agency\'s mission. Only Hughes national managed broadband service delivers bandwidth tailored-to-fit at every site, affordably to quickly access voice, video and data for daily operations, or to reach your agency\'s cloud. Hughes technology includes built in WAN Optimization, ensuring high quality voice and data traffic is delivered on-time, and with optimal bandwidth efficiency. Enable your government field office of the future today from Hughes.

    April 19, 2011
  • The six-month continuing resolution Congress passed earlier this month was mostly about cuts, but it also included several hundred million dollars in new spending pushed through by the Maryland and Virginia congressional delegations. That money will pay to help solve some of the huge traffic problems this year\'s military personnel moves are expected to create around the DC area.

    April 19, 2011
  • The administration plans on cutting 100 data centers this year and 700 more by 2015. Bob Otto of Agilex Technologies says this is an attainable goal and offers tips for agencies in the process.

    April 18, 2011
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. If your agency\'s communications network was tailored to your needs, what would it look like? Would your small and medium-sized field offices connect to the cloud and run applications with optimal bandwidth efficiency? Would your ideal network be cost effective, and able to leverage the benefits of GSA programs? Would it provide path-diverse communications that support COOP for the same price as your primary network service? And with your network, would you have confidence in secure connectivity, especially for teleworkers? Say yes to all these questions and meet the government field office of the future today from Hughes. With decades of experience and a comprehensive suite of solutions and partners, Hughes is able to deliver agencies a powerful, national managed broadband service providing voice, video, and data where, when, and how you need it.

    April 18, 2011
  • The costs of weapons and communications systems are on the rise.

    April 18, 2011
  • A UMBC research park emerges as front line of defense in Cyberwars.

    April 18, 2011
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency celebrated the ceremonial opening of its new 95-acre headquarters campus on Friday. Less than half of the 4,600 employees already work at its new headquarters at Fort Meade, Md. The agency expects the rest of its staff to move there from several northern Virginia locations by late August.

    April 18, 2011