
  • Agencies are testing an assortment of smartphones and tablet computers to improve how their workforces meet their missions. But there still are questions about the security of these devices.

    October 14, 2010
  • Lynn Menard, the director of the Acquisitions, Strategy and Relations Directorate for the government of Canada, spoke with the DorobekINSIDER about how Canadian agencies set and meet green procurement targets.

    October 13, 2010
  • Host Mark Amtower interviews Deltek CEO Kevin Parker about the company\'s recent acquisition of Input. October 11, 2010 (Repeated October 18, 2010)

    October 11, 2010
  • Host Derrick Dortch talks with Christopher Harmon, the Major General Matthew C. Horner Chair of Military History at the Marine Corps University about the book \"Towards a Grand Strategy Against Terrorism.\" October 8, 2010

    October 11, 2010
  • On this Columbus Day, the DorobekINSIDER brings you the best recent stories we think are worth another listen.

    October 11, 2010
  • Learn more about what Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) thinks Congress can do to help the U.S. Postal Service.

    October 11, 2010
  • Telework proves itself again when a Continuity of Operations Plan comes together.

    October 08, 2010
  • Engelina Jaspers, vice president of environmental sustainability at Hewlett Packard, joined the DorobekINSIDER to explain how HP was able to green the Navy Marine Corps intranet, the world\'s largest private network.

    October 08, 2010
  • You’ve heard the phrase: You get what you measure. Measuring the results of sustainable programs and policies has been one of the challenges with green government. Wrapping up Federal News Radio’s week-long series the Greening…

    October 08, 2010
  • A Government Accountability Office report said the Office of Personnel Management needs to do a better job of protecting private information when conducting background checks.

    October 08, 2010
  • NASA\'s sustainability policy is to execute NASA\'s mission without compromising our planet\'s resources so that future generations can meet their needs. Details from NASA\'s Olga Dominguez.

    October 08, 2010
  • Federal agencies are turning to web sites like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace to reach out to the public regarding their mission. But many agencies have also turned to social collaboration and networking sites to reach out to their own staff when it comes to President Obama\'s Green Government initiatives.

    October 08, 2010
  • More than 400 employees will spend another fiscal year setting their own schedules and focusing on performance instead of worrying about where they are working. OPM is redoing performance plans to incorporate the Results Only Work Environment approach.

    October 07, 2010
  • More than 400 employees will spend another fiscal year setting their own schedules and focusing on performance instead of worrying about where they are working. OPM is redoing performance plans to incorporate the Results Only Work Environment approach.

    October 07, 2010