
  • By Ruben Gomez Federal News Radio The General Services Administration (GSA) will revamp federal IT purchase contracts, in keeping with the administration’s National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship released Wednesday. GSA will remove all products that…

    July 20, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management is launching two surveys this summer, querying the federal workforce about employee benefits and members of the Senior Executive Service about hiring and retention.

    July 20, 2011
  • OFPP administrator Dan Gordon said the morale of contracting officers and other acquisition workers is improving. OPM issued a new IT program and project management competency guidance.

    July 20, 2011
  • Alan Boykin, chief learning officer at the National Contract Management Association, told Federal News Radio that government and industry should keep the lines of communication open, especially as uncertainty abounds about how the failure to raise the debt ceiling would impact federal spending.

    July 20, 2011
  • The Defense and Energy departments are starting two new joint research and demonstration projects intended to help DoD become less reliant on petroleum.

    July 20, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has implemented a 2008 law that puts Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers on par with law enforcement officers when it comes to earning greater retirement benefits and qualifying for early retirement. It also requires CBP officers to retire by age 57.

    July 19, 2011
  • Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel at the Professional Services Council, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss recent speculation that the Defense Department ignored proposals from the Defense Contract Audit Agency nearly two years ago.

    July 19, 2011
  • Faced with increasingly tighter federal budgets, agency leaders are getting tougher on contract spending. The Office of Management and Budget announced in March that spending on federal contracting had actually declined for the first time in more than a decade. Also, earlier this month, OMB directed agencies to cut spending on service contracts by 15 percent.

    July 19, 2011
  • The two largest federal unions are urging feds to stand up against proposed cuts to federal pay and retirement by calling Congressional leaders and rallying in New York. Last week, 21 federal unions sent a letter to Treasury and OMB demanding to know what would happen to federal employees should Congress and the White House fail to raise the debt ceiling but got no response.

    July 19, 2011
  • Even though a short era of ever-increasing military budgets has come to a close, Pentagon leaders said Monday their quest to find savings in defense spending is not aimed at reducing the profitability of contractors.

    July 19, 2011
  • These are the stories Federal News Radio reporters are working on today.

    July 18, 2011
  • The Defense Department’s audit and business practices have come under scrutiny of late. The House Armed Services Committee has created a special panel to reform the Pentagon’s financial management systems, while DoD has struggled for…

    July 18, 2011
  • The administration\'s new memo instructs agencies to secure the information, programs and networks used by employees working outside the office, and to prevent employees from using government resources to access porn.

    July 18, 2011
  • Eric Patterson, director of the Federal Protective Service, said at a recent hearing that reworking the agency\'s current reform programs will help to improve past issues of training, communication and security.

    July 18, 2011