Boston Consulting Group

  • Entering a federal agency for the first time as an appointed manager can be daunting. Tom Temin got a breakdown from Boston Consulting Group's Daniel Werfel.

    February 04, 2021
  • Though the latest Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings show the resiliency of agencies in the face of a tumultuous 2019, they also point to some unsettling signs for organizations facing reorganization and relocation.

    December 17, 2019
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs said its decision to consolidate the best of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey with its own assessment is paying off.

    May 20, 2019
  • Two pilot projects, both using existing data to improve NAVSUP's business processes, are expected to produce results by August.

    June 27, 2018
  • Legislation proposed by a House Republican would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency by the end of 2018. Some say it's political grandstanding, while others suggest maybe it's time for an update to EPA. But what would it take to dismantle a large federal agency?

    February 13, 2017
  • Call it the eighth year syndrome. It's the last year of a presidency and scores of politically appointed slots throughout the federal government are vacant, and likely to stay that way until the next administration comes in. How do career executives manage through it? Federal Drive with Tom Temin gets some advice from Danny Werfel, former acting IRS commissioner and long-time federal financial exec. He's now a director in the public sector practice at the Boston Consulting Group.

    January 26, 2016
  • The governmentwide improper payment rate jumped 14 percent during the last fiscal year to more than $124 billion. The Office of Management and Budget is working on a new reporting matrix for agencies to figure out who and what is responsible for all that money. Danny Werfel, director of the Boston Consulting Group and former OMB controller, talks to In Depth with Francis Rose about the new reporting matrix.

    October 14, 2015
  • Agencies lose a new record of $125 billion in improper payments last year. Twenty-two different agencies committed errors, and three programs account for $93 billion in improper payments. One of those programs is the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has a 27 percent error rate. Danny Werfel, director of Boston Consulting Group and former acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, is writing for the Centre for Public Impact. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose why cutting government waste isn't as simple as it might seem.

    August 17, 2015
  • It'll be a tough road ahead for the next director of the Office of Personnel Management after Katherine Archuleta resigned. That person will enter an agency trying to recover from the biggest known breach of federal employee data in history. But what can they do to ensure success? Danny Werfel has been there, done that. He was brought in to lead the Internal Revenue Service in 2013 after its administrator stepped down due to a series of scandals. Now a director in the Public Sector practice at The Boston Consulting Group, he joined Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to share his experience.

    July 13, 2015
  • Improper payments from the federal government reached an all-time high last year. They totaled more than $124 billion — a $19 billion increase from the previous high of $105 billion. That's according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. White House officials are examining this trend and looking for ways to head improper payments down again. Danny Werfel, a former Controller in the Office of Management and Budget and now a Director with the Boston Consulting Group, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on how they might to do that.

    March 19, 2015
  • Horace Blackman, a long-time Veterans Affairs IT executive, also leaves for the private sector, joining Lockheed Martin.

    March 24, 2014