Department of Health and Human Services

  • A former Secretary weighs in on what the future holds for Kathleen Sebelius.

    April 24, 2009
  • Kathleen Sebelius will have to wait a bit longer to take the reigns at the Department of Health and Human Services. The full Senate delayed a vote on her confirmation. That is now likely to…

    April 24, 2009
  • Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is one step closer to confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Senate Finance Committee voted 15 to 8 yesterday to move her name to the Senate floor. To…

    April 22, 2009
  • Cost-type contracts nearly double over the last eight years.

    April 13, 2009
  • The latest Cabinet nominee to go before the Senate for confirmation is Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. She is President Obama’s choice for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Her hearing yesterday was before the Senate…

    April 01, 2009
  • The federal Web site to find and apply grants is being overwhelmed. And the recovery act will only increase the strain on The question is will the Health and Human Services Department improve the…

    March 13, 2009
  • President Obama nominated Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS) as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Sebelius is a two-term Democratic governor with a reputation for working with Republicans in her state. Savanna Guthrie,…

    March 02, 2009
  • Pharmacy giant CVS will pay the government more than $2 million after media reports that it disposed of patient information in dumpsters. The agreement follows a joint investigation by Health and Human Services and the…

    February 23, 2009
  • New offices created by the stimulus package are being challenged.

    February 18, 2009
  • The reformation of the country\'s health care system is one of the next priorities for President Barack Obama and Congress, and the Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services will be at the center of this effort.

    February 17, 2009
  • The Department of Health and Human Services is working on a center for social media — to bring together the agency’s efforts to use social media as a communications tool. That’s about the time the…

    February 04, 2009
  • Faced with problems and questions about his failure to pay some taxes, former Senator Tom Daschel withdrew his nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services yesterday. Daschel was the third nominee to face questions…

    February 04, 2009
  • A lot has happened on Capitol Hill in the past few days. Senator Ted Stevens, the longest-ruling Republican in history, conceded his seat in the Senate yesterday. Former Senator Tom Daschle has been tapped to…

    November 20, 2008