House Armed Services Committee

  • The committee will focus on making it easier for small firms to do business with the Pentagon. The military missed three of five small business goals in 2010. The Panel on Business Challenges in the Defense Industry made several recommendations to improve the success of small firms that want to do business with DoD.

    April 23, 2012
  • Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) introduced legislation to make sharing of classified cyber threat information easier between the government and the private sector. The bill builds on DoD's Defense Industrial Base pilot to share data about vulnerabilities. DoD plans to expand the DIB pilot to more than 200 companies in the coming year.

    April 11, 2012
  • The Pentagon said it needs a much clearer picture of the subcontractors beneath the top tier of prime vendors it works with every day. DoD is trying to create a comprehensive map of the entire defense industry so it can keep critical suppliers healthy during an expected period of industry consolidation.

    November 02, 2011
  • Amid calls for military retirement reform, Pentagon officials say the system that\'s in place right now is not the main driver of the department\'s escalating personnel costs and is affordable . Their remarks Tuesday before a Congressional subcommittee run counter to a Defense Business Board report that suggested retirement costs may eventually crowd out warfighting capability.

    October 26, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants the department to have at least part of its books ready for audit well in advance of the Congressionally-mandated 2017 deadline. The edict could prove challenging for some components of DoD.

    October 14, 2011
  • In this week\'s \"Pentagon Solutions,\" host Francis Rose brings highlights from the House Armed Services Committee Panel on Defense Financial Management and Auditability Reform hearing, \"Is the Financial Management Workforce Positioned to Achieve DOD\'s Financial Improvement Goals?\"

    October 12, 2011
  • A House Armed Services Committee panel is reviewing the Pentagon\'s efforts to reform its auditing practices. Reps. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) head the panel, which is first trying to get a handle on the scope of the issue, Andrews told Federal News Radio\'s Federal Drive.

    July 18, 2011
  • GAO finds the Pentagon isn\'t moving fast enough in improving the skills of their workforce. House lawmakers focused in the acquisition workforce, specifically. DoD defended its efforts, pointing to the 8,600 new acquisition workers hired over the past few years.

    July 15, 2011
  • The House Armed Services Committee is following the success of its acquisition reform panel with a similar approach to Pentagon finances. Reps. Mike Conaway and Rob Andrews will, once again, lead the effort.

    July 13, 2011
  • The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 passed the House on a 322-96 vote. The bill determines defense spending levels and policy.

    May 26, 2011
  • Just how many Defense Department employees will eventually be using a cloud-based e-mail service depends who you ask. Maj. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins, the Defense Information Systems Agency’s vice director, told reporters Tuesday, selling the Navy and Air Force on its cloud-based email system is a matter of when, not if. However, Hawkins admits, “If you [...]

    May 05, 2011
  • The head of U.S. Cyber Command says cloud computing is part of his plan for staying ahead of the cyber threats that face the Defense Department. “A year from now we should be well on our way to having a hardened architecture proven and in place, which provides a new level of cybersecurity,” said General [...]

    March 29, 2011
  • House Armed Services Committee members from both parties pushed against the Pentagon\'s cost-saving plans to reduce the size of the Army and Marine Corps.

    February 17, 2011
  • Top Pentagon officials defended Defense Secretary Robert Gates\' proposed multibillion-dollar cuts in military spending.

    January 31, 2011