James Lankford

  • Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said he will hold hearings to see how to make the federal grant process more transparent. The administration merged two existing boards into a new Council on Financial Assistance Reform to improve the grant-making process. HHS awarded a $32.4 million contract for IT services for grants.gov portal.

    October 31, 2011
  • Federal contractors may be getting away with fraud or shoddy work, according to a Government Accountability Office study of five years\' worth of federal contracts. GAO found that most agencies are not using enforcement tools meant to cut off the flow of public funds to bad contractors.

    October 07, 2011
  • By Jason Miller Executive Editor Federal News Radio The Senate yesterday approved the ability of vendors to protest task and delivery orders from civilian agencies worth more than $10 million to the Government Accountability Office…

    May 13, 2011