
  • The latest data on the Federal IT Dashboard shows agencies are spending almost 71 percent of their technology budgets on operations and maintenance and less than 21 percent on development, modernization and enhancements for systems.

    August 03, 2017
  • Before the Obama administration left office in December, it left a series of reports for the incoming Trump administration.

    July 13, 2017
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development has been sitting on bids from three vendors for a $40 million systems integration contract for more than nine months without any real updates, and now three lawmakers are asking why.

    March 13, 2017
  • Kevin Desanto, co-founder and managing director of KippsDesanto and Nick Wakeman, editor of Washington Technology, will discuss the state of mergers and acquisitions in the government market. August 1, 2016

    July 31, 2016
  • Kevin DeSanto, managing director and co-founder of KippsDeSanto, joins host Mark Amtower to discuss mergers and acquisitions, and how channel plays in the M&A market. February 29, 2016

    February 29, 2016
  • Consolidation and new company formation has become a steady drumbeat in the federal market. In the latest megadeal, Leidos is taking on the Information Systems and Global Solutions division from Lockheed. What does it mean for the market and for federal customers? For analysis, Federal Drive with Tom Temin asked Arun Sankaran, managing director of market research company Govini.

    February 01, 2016
  • Lockheed Martin is spinning off its Information Systems & Global Solutions unit and merging it with engineering company Leidos in order to double down on its defense and aerospace holdings.

    January 26, 2016
  • Leidos wins a $4.3 billion contract for a new electronic health record from the Pentagon. The acquisition process started two years ago after three draft RFPs, and three potential bidders dropped out or were eliminated. Dave Wennergren is vice president of technology at the Professional Services Council and former assistant deputy chief management officer at the Defense Department. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose that this project is a very big deal.

    July 30, 2015
  • The Pentagon capped off a more than two-year acquisition process for a new electronic health record today, awarding the contract to a consortium of companies led by Leidos. The new system will eventually roll out to more than a thousand sites around the world. It will replace DoD’s aging records system with a mostly-commercial IT product. More from Federal News Radio’s DoD reporter Jared Serbu.

    July 29, 2015
  • The Pentagon capped off a more than two-year acquisition process for a new electronic health record Wednesday afternoon, awarding a $4.3 billion contract to a consortium of companies led by Leidos.

    July 29, 2015
  • It may be unpopular, but bulk data collection by the National Security Agency is effective. Technology can't replicate what bulk data collection can do for intelligence. But more effective methods could be developed so that the collection and use of data is more targeted and controlled. Those are among the findings from a major study of signal intelligence practices. The study was just completed by the National Academies. It was requested by the President and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence a year ago. Michael Leiter is an executive vice president at Leidos and a member of the committee that authored the report. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss the findings.

    January 21, 2015
  • J. Robert Beyster (1924-2014) died Monday of natural causes. As the founder of SAIC and Leidos, Beyster believed in solving national security problems for the federal government at a fair price.

    December 23, 2014
  • The cyber attacks on the Government Printing Office and Government Accountability Office are the latest in a trend of heavier attacks on small agencies. Darren Van Booven, the chief information security officer and assistant chief administrative officer for the House of Representatives, tells Federal News Radio attackers are more sophisticated and they're starting to target small agencies. Rob Zitz is senior vice president and chief systems architect at Leidos, formerly part of SAIC. He's my guest for Industry Chatter today. He's my guest for Industry Chatter today. He says better cybersecurity starts with three letters: CDM.

    July 24, 2014