
  • Multiple deployments can be tough on military familes, but they\'re especially tough on the children. School work suffers, and surveys show behavioral problems increase. The Pentagon tries to help with the Military Family Live Consultant program, which makes counselors available to families. There are resources available online at the Military One Source, Military Homefront and the Military Community and Family Policy websites.

    June 29, 2009
  • The President of the Russian Republic of Ingushetia is in serious condition, but expected to live after an assassination attempt today. One bodyguard and a police officer were killed and three other body guards were seriously wounded. A bomb planted along the road exploded as Yunus-Bek Yevkurov\'s motorcade passed by. He suffered schrapnel wounds to his head and upper torso and is suffering from burns.

    June 22, 2009
  • The Pentagon wants members of the armed forces victimized by scam artists in these tough times to know that the Federal Trade Commission wants to help. The FTC\'s Consumer Sentinel/Military program provides a secure online database where the military can report concerns about identity theft, deceptive lending or mortgage practices. Find a link on .

    June 19, 2009
  • A state-run newspaper said Monday that a Chinese submarine\'s reported collision last week with an underwater sonar apparatus towed by a U.S. destroyer in the South China Sea was likely an accident. The official China Daily cited Chinese military experts as saying that the submarine\'s collision with the sonar array connected to the USS John S. McCain probably occurred due to a misjudgment of distance. No injuries were reported and the extent of damage to the sonar array was not immediately known.

    June 16, 2009
  • As budget season continues, more cabinet secretaries and other agency heads are talking about their FY2010 budget requests. The Senate Appropriations Committee had three agency leaders before their subcommittees yesterday: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was…

    June 10, 2009
  • Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says the possibility of a U.S.-Russian partnership on missile defense have improved because Moscow is becoming more concerned about Iran. The defense secretary told senators Tuesday that U.S. offers to put radar or data exchange centers in Russia are among the options being discussed. Russian and U.S. officials are working intensively on a successor deal to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START I, which expires in December. Negotiators are aiming for some results by the time Russian President Dmitry Medvedev hosts President Barack Obama July 6-8 in Moscow.

    June 10, 2009
  • The Pentagon is challenging a report that alleges new military prison photos show Iraqi prisoner abuse including sexual abuse. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Britain\'s images were \"completely miss characterized by Britain\'s Daily Telegraph.\" The newspaper reported one of the photos apparently shows an American soldier raping a female prisoner. Other photos reportedly showed acts of abuse using objects including a club and wire.

    May 29, 2009
  • President Barack Obama announced Tuesday he is combining White House staffs dealing with international and homeland security, predicting the change will make Americans safer. The Associated Press is reporting, Obama also is creating a new office intended to communicate more effectively with other countries about U.S. security policy. The Homeland Security Council, created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, will be kept as a venue for discussing issues concerning domestic security, including terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, natural disasters and pandemic influenza. Its staff will be integrated into the National Security Council.

    May 26, 2009
  • We\'re learning more about the plot to blow up a synagogue in New York and shoot down military planes in the same area. The men allegedly began their plot in 2008 and were discovered by authorities when they recruited an undercover informant operating out of a mosque into their group. The informant allowed law enforcement agencies to monitor the group\'s activities, and gave the men inert plastic explosives and an inoperable FIM-92 \"Stinger\" missile two weeks ago.

    May 22, 2009
  • The Pentagon is teaming with the Office of Personnel Management for a review of the National Security Personnel System. Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn and OPM\'s new director, John Berry, will ask the Defense Review Board to set up a task force to look at NSPS. DoD has held off on converting military organizations to the new pay system pending the review. NSPS currently covers more than 200 thousand Pentagon staffers. I\'m Max Cacas.

    May 18, 2009
  • Some predicted it would happen and it did. President Barack Obama says the detainee abuse photos he wants to prevent from being released are \"not really sensational\", but at the same time they could put U.S. troops at risk. So he\'s directed White House lawyers to fight the court-ordered release of the photos. He says he won\'t stand for abuse of prisoners. Just recently, White House said it would release the photos, citing little chance of defeating an ACLU challenge to have them released.

    May 13, 2009
  • May 13, 2009 Stephen W. Warren, VA\'s acting CIO (and acting assistant secretary for information & technology) and Gail Graham, VA\'s deputy chief officer for health information management, talk about updating VA\'s health records system, and integrating it with the Pentagon\'s system.

    May 13, 2009
  • Dissatisfaction with progress in Afghanistan has cost General David McKiernan his job there. SECDEF Robert Gates said \"new leadership\" is required. He said the situation requires \"fresh thinking and fresh eyes.\" So he\'s assigned Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal to replace him. McChrystal is a former commander of special operations forces at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Right now, he\'s director of the U.S. military Joint Staff.

    May 11, 2009
  • The Associated Press is reporting the top U.S. general in Iraq is hedging his bets about whether U.S. combat troops will pull out of the volatile city of Mosul on schedule next month. Gen. Raymond Odierno says U.S. and Iraqi forces are in the midst of a neighborhood-by-neighborhood sweep of Mosul ahead of a June 30 deadline to hand over security for the city to Iraqi forces.

    May 10, 2009