Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

  • The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team released in May an analysis report detailing nine incidents between July 2014 and May 2015 where hackers stole what they call \"bulk personally identifiable information (PII)\" from public and private sector organizations. Secretary Jeh Johnson issued the first-ever Binding Operational Directive to agencies in May, mandating they fix all ‘critical vulnerabilities\' in 30 days.

    June 08, 2015
  • President Barack Obama named Mary Kendall as his choice to be the permanent inspector general at the Interior Department. The announcement came a day after oversight experts criticized the President for not filling the position, which has been vacant for 2,291 days.

    June 03, 2015
  • There was an awful lot of movement in the federal IT community over the last few weeks. There was maybe none more surprising than Sonny Hashmi's decision to leave as the chief information officer of the General Services Administration. Now we know who made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

    March 16, 2015
  • A new report finds longer probationary periods and better performance metrics can help address a long-standing complaint about terminating federal employees who are not meeting their job's requirements.

    March 09, 2015
  • In addition to the IG Empowerment Act, the committee approved eight bipartisan bills, several of which run the gamut of federal management and workforce issues, from sick leave to car repairs.

    March 05, 2015
  • A call for more transparency in federal spending, the Taxpayers Right To Know Act would create a central database for financial data and performance metrics for every federal program. The bill cleared the House and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last year. But it has yet to have a full vote in the Senate. Hudson Hollister, executive director of the Data Transparency Coalition, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to offer one view on this bill.

    February 06, 2015
  • The 114th Congress convenes on Tuesday, Jan. 6, with some new faces yet to be voted in for important oversights roles such as chairman for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. John Palguta is the vice president for policy at the Partnership for Public Service. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss what federal employees should expect in 2015 - from senior executives to civil service reform.

    December 16, 2014
  • The government should be smaller, the Postal Service's finances need to be addressed once and for all, and it may be time to rethink the civil service system. This is all according to Senator Ron Johnson. The Wisconsin Republican will replace Delaware Democrat Tom Carper as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in December. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, Senator Johnson discussed his priorities.

    November 21, 2014
  • A Senate committee heard testimony Tuesday from retired Rear Adm. Earl Gay on his nomination to be the Office of Personnel's first deputy director in three years.

    November 18, 2014
  • Wednesday was a productive day for Congress as the House sent two bills to President Barack Obama and a pair of critical DHS nominees head to the Senate floor.

    November 13, 2014
  • The Senate approved Anne Rung's nomination by voice vote. Procurement experts say improving the acquisition workforce and addressing concerns with strategic sourcing are among her top priorities.

    September 11, 2014
  • The Inspector General Act gives IGs authority to obtain any information necessary for their investigations, but some agencies are giving IGs a hard time with their requests. Members of Senate and House oversight committees are calling on Shaun Donovan, the recently confirmed director of the Office of Management and Budget, to address the issue.

    August 12, 2014
  • Two congressional leaders want to know whether USIS' history was considered when awarding a $190 million Homeland Security Department contract.

    July 17, 2014
  • The nomination of Shaun Donovan to be director of the Office of Management and Budget as well as a variety of bills dealing with federal IT reform and cybersecurity updates crowded the docket of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee business meeting Wednesday.

    June 26, 2014