Thrift Savings Plan returns slowed in the month of June, though only two funds dipped in the red. The S and I funds saw the most significant changes, both positive and negative, in June compared to the previous month's returns.
There are three ways federal investors can join the million-dollar Thrift Savings Plan club. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says investing steadily produces the most millionaires.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Government Operations Subcommittee Chairman Mark Meadows introduced the TSP Modernization Act, which would give participants in the Thrift Savings Plan more options and flexibility to withdraw from their accounts. It's a companion bill to the legislation Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio.) introduced in April.
Good news: Stock market is at an all-time high. Bad news: The market is long overdue for a major correction. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, do you have a Plan B for your TSP?
The Thrift Savings Plan rebounded in April from its slight March downturn. Every fund posted positive returns, and most came in higher than the previous month.
Every time federal workers hear about a private company freezing its pension plan, they feel a distinct chill. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders if feds are feeling a little cold these days.
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is losing its executive director of 10 years. Greg Long announced his resignation during the board's monthly meeting. In the interim, the agency's chief investment officer, Ravindra Deo, will serve as the acting executive director while the board conducts a national search for a new leader.
Government workers and postal employees have only a few legal ways to have Thrift Savings Plan accounts worth more than $1 million. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey shares the details.
Financial planner Arthur Stein offers investment strategies on Your Turn with Mike Causey for just-starting-out feds, people mid-career and those facing retirement or already there.
How do you legally become a millionaire on the side using just your government paycheck? A reader gives Senior Correspondent Mike Causey the lowdown.
Federal employees who invest in the Thrift Savings Plan withdraw more than $9 billion annually from the government retirement fund, due in part to its strict rules on withdrawals. Now two senators have introduced a bill to relax those TSP restrictions.
A certain catchphrase of the late, great comedian Rodney Dangerfield is applicable to the Thrift Saving Plan's always-safe G fund, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
More than 10,000 federal workers and retirees now have Thrift Savings Plan accounts worth over $1 million, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
Instead of trying to guess what the market for retirement is going to do based on emotion, take a second-grader's approach, says Mike Causey.
The Thrift Savings Plan continues to show positive returns in February, with every fund posting in the black, and all but two improving over January's numbers.