Mike Causey

  • Was there a monster under your bed when you were a kid? Did demons lurk in your closet waiting for lights out? Well they may be gone, but now as an adult civil servant there's a real terror lurking out there, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 25, 2014
  • Unless somebody is reading this to you in your hospital room, you made it through winter, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. At least so far. Cold, snow, ice in the east, drought in the west. Washington lost its title as the "Winter Weenie" capital of the country. Feds elsewhere were too busy fighting Old Man Winter to make fun of us. So how did we do it? Feds tell us what they had in their survival kit.

    February 24, 2014
  • Could political gridlock save you up to $48,000 in retirement? It could if it blocks a politically explosive plan to trim future cost-of-living adjustments for retirees, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 21, 2014
  • Proposals to make it much easier to discipline, demote or fire your career boss are rattling the top rank of the government, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 20, 2014
  • Senior Executives Association President Carol Bonosaro, and Federal Timres reporters Sean Reilly and Andy Medici, will discuss legislation introduced in the U.S. House, that would make it easier for agency leaders to fire senior executives. February 19, 2014

    February 19, 2014
  • Would your life be better off if your top career boss had a little less job security? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks. Or would that put you between a political rock and a hard place?

    February 19, 2014
  • After years of suffering the slings and arrows of our fellow Americans, those of us who live and work in and around the Beltway can stand tall, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says: We are no longer the "Winter Weenie Capital" of the United States.

    February 18, 2014
  • Another holiday, another big East Coast snowstorm, notes Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. So how are you spending this holiday? At home, at work or stuck by the roadside?

    February 17, 2014
  • Now that early-outs and buyouts are popping up in various agencies, the obvious question, for younger and older workers is: What's in it for me? Unlike the one-size fits all buyouts of the 1990s, the new version is tailor-made to individual groups, grades and regions, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 14, 2014
  • Do you envy your colleagues who telework from home — no traffic, no hassle, even no clothes at times? Well, maybe you should consider what they are doing when you are permitted to stay home, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 13, 2014
  • Benefits expert John Elliott, with the National Institute of Transition Planning, is our guest. He talks about what you should be doing to prepare for retirement at all career levels: as a new fed, in mid-career and as you approach retirement. February 12, 2014

    February 12, 2014
  • Suppose for the next 20 to 30 years, you have to spend 24/7 with your spouse or significant other. Can you handle it? Can he or she? With some planning it might not be too bad, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 12, 2014
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Is 2014 going to be your up-or-out year? Are you looking at retirement or prepping for a promotion?

    February 11, 2014
  • Remember the good old days when agencies were offering early retirement and $25,000 have-a-nice-life buyouts? Well, it appears that the combination of buyouts and early outs is another victim of climate change, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 10, 2014
  • Does your federal retirement plan involve leaving at the earliest possible date, or having your funeral at the office? Whatever your plan -- retire or expire -- you are not alone, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 07, 2014