Putting manure on strawberries produces excellent results, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it can be quite a disappointment if you were expecting cream and sugar.
If you\'ve been on active duty with the National Guard like many federal and postal workers have been, Uncle Sam may have a $5,000 check waiting for you. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s got the details.
Everybody supports the plan to expand federal teleworking opportunities and raise the age for dependent care coverage under the federal health plan, right? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says both have lots of support, but many feds say there is a darkside to both proposals.
Feds with older dependent children would love to cover them under their health plan. And there\'s a bill that would raise the age from 22 to 26. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s a real long shot because of everything from the congressional vacation schedule to the Gulf oil disaster.
What happens if you are the federal equivalent of Superman or Wonderwoman? Then the White House may tap you for major honors and a handsome cash award. Which is just what happened last night at the State Department, reports Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. Check the A-list to see if anybody you know or work with is on it.
Normally Senior Correspondent Mike Causey keeps his Inside-the-Beltway jet-set lifestyle private. He doesn\'t want to brag, or make you jealous. But today he makes an exception starting with his black tie dinner date with Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The National Security Personnel System space craft designed by Congress is in the process of returning to Earth. What will its 200,000 federal crew members find when they go back to their old offices? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the jury is still out.
A bill has been introduced that would let the Office of Personnel Management extend health insurance to adult children of federal employees this year, instead of having them wait for the Affordable Health Care Act that was signed by President Obama in March.
When it comes to trusting you, does your boss use the eyeball and hover approach or, asks Senior Correspondent Mike Causey does he or she trust you to get things done from afar?
Is your Thrift Savings Plan account at or approaching the half million dollar mark? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there are more than 10,000 federal and postal workers who already members of the TSP $500K club.
When it comes to teleworking, is your boss with the program or is he or she still waiting to celebrate the 21st century? Congress is looking for been-there-done-that teleworking experience and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has examples of what does and does not work.
Half of those eligible for it don\'t want to go into Senior Executive Service. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the issue isn\'t money.
Although it may be hard for many federal workers to understand, legislation that would benefit them has a very low priority on Capitol Hill, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. Especially in election years.
This week on Your Turn, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey brings you updates about the United States Postal Service and what it needs to do to get back in the red, as well as a recent report regarding the Senior Executive Service. NALC President Fred Rolando and SEA President Carol Bonosaro give Federal News Radio their thoughts.
The low-ball 1.4 percent pay raise the White House has proposed for federal workers and military personnel may be a poker chip politicians will use over the summer. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tells why the 2011 pay raise isn\'t chiseled in stone.