Mike Causey

  • Or \'Shut Up and Vote\'.

    February 12, 2008
  • Are most federal workers closet Democrats? Senior correspondent Mike Causey doesn\'t know for sure but he says there are two powerful groups of politicians who believe it\'s true.

    February 11, 2008
  • What do cowpies and migratory birds and your sick leave have in common? The answer could be quite a lot. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains.

    February 08, 2008
  • Should federal and postal workers be rewarded for not taking sick leave. Some members of Congress think so but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says don\'t spend the money just yet.

    February 07, 2008
  • Shear Madness is one of the longest-running plays in the history of the American Theater, but there is another comedy. This one involving the pay of federal workers called Sheer Madness. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains.

    February 06, 2008
  • Objects may be closer than they appear. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains.

    February 05, 2008
  • Thrift Savings Plan investors are in for a reality check.

    February 04, 2008
  • February is many things to many people....but according to Mike Causey it is Round Up The Usual Suspects time for the federal pay and fringe benefit front...

    February 01, 2008
  • A well-known federal benefits expert retired some years ago after a successful career. He said he wanted to travel, study, relax . . . but most of all find out what his dog does all day at home. For this, and the other mysteries of retirement, check out Mike\'s column today.

    January 31, 2008
  • Guess who got a very quiet 38+ percent raise last year? We start out by eliminating you, so the next logical person is -- would you believe -- the Postmaster General: leader of the nation\'s army of postal clerks and carriers. Mike Causey explains what happened.

    January 30, 2008
  • Is it a shot in the arm or a kick in the rear? The \"it,\" of course, is the proposed $600 to $1,200 rebates Congress and the White House are talking about. So, if it happens, who gets what? Mike Causey asks if it\'s an economic stimulus or a pre-election bribe.

    January 29, 2008
  • Do you know why Montanans claim that it is illegal to swat a fly in North Dakota? We didn\'t either until readers bombarded us with regional jokes.

    January 28, 2008
  • Many financial forecasters and news organizations predicted that Tuesday would be Black Tuesday, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it was more like Puce Tuesday.

    January 25, 2008
  • Defense Department workers under the new NSPS system will be getting their pay raises today and most of them, according to Mike Causey, will like what they see.

    January 24, 2008
  • Just because part of every column is labeled \"useless\" doesn\'t mean it\'s not popular. That\'s why Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s plea for help won\'t go unanswered.

    January 23, 2008