Three weeks from today the nation goes to the polls. Most Americans will be picking their president. Federal workers, in addition to picking POTUS, will also be voting for or against their boss for the next four years.
Choosing when to retire is never an easy decision, and the pandemic (during an election year) isn't helping feds either.
You can't play shrink, but you should listen, monitor, and do what you can to ensure a healthy environment.
Membership in the exclusive federal Thrift Savings Plan millionaire club continues to grow as long-time federal and military investors continue to buy stocks, even when the market hits a rough patch. There were 55,183 current…
If you could boost your take home pay 6.2% for the rest of the year but the tradeoff is that you’d have to repay it in a 12.4% bite from your paycheck starting early next year — would you take the deal?
Feds are used to having some wrenches thrown their way this time of year. And this year will come with some surprises too, but predicting them is tricky.
At least 9,000 fewer federal employees have retired this year since the start of the pandemic compared to the same six-month period in 2019. Federal financial planners say the pandemic is partly to blame.
While the politicians insult one another, the regular folks try to get things done.
Depending on your job, agency and geographic location, many feds have been on lockdown going on 8 months. For some people this has been the catastrophic event of a lifetime. Others have taken it in stride or are adjusting.
Most people know they are worth more dead than alive. But many — including those who survive them — don’t know how much more.
Do you find yourselves longing for the good old days, or your version of same? Maybe back to a time when candy bars were only a nickel or a dime, or when kids went to school at actual schools?
Military members and federal employee groups worry those impacted by the president's mandatory payroll tax deferral aren't getting the message about the extra dollars they're seeing in their paychecks -- and that they'll have to pay it all back next year.
How are we going to cope with the second six months of the pandemic?
While it has been an unimaginable tragedy for many people, for many of us, including feds, it has been survivable so far.
The modern day equivalent of a panic-starter is to bring up the subject of the Government Pension Offset or Windfall Elimination Provision to retired federal or state government employees, or their spouses.