The good news for most long-time federal and postal workers, is that in retirement, you may be better off than many of your private sector neighbors.
I believe we should recognize and appreciate public servants every week. And if we do not like the policies they carry out, we should vote for people who will make new policies.
Some of the 800,000 feds that felt the impact of the record long government shutdown in their pockets may still be playing financial catch-up.
Tony Reardon, the national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, says Public Service Recognition Week is a good reminder for federal employees to continue to tell their stories about the impact they have on the nation.
9,540 additional federal and postal workers became Thrift Savings Plan millionaires between March 2018 and the end of March this year.
Vishal Patel, the vice president of product marketing at Ivalua, details five opportunities for federal, state and local governments to improve acquisition processes.
The U.S. Postal Service is still delivering a lot of mail quickly, and at bargain prices. Snail mail may be a thing of the past but it still has its moments.
Despite the red hot stock market and longest-ever bull market in history, federal workers have just over 40% of their money in treasury securities.
Commentator Jeff Neal says claims that the low numbers of under 30-year-old federal hires are due to decreased federal hiring in general aren't really true.
Everybody has an opinion on the government, on the bureaucracy, on rules and regulations. And much of it is bad. But where does that come from?
Most federal and postal TSP millionaires got that way by ignoring the ups and downs of the market despite the pre-Christmas plunge in 2018.
A retired Navy captain and IRS worker described the possible hazards of moving to a tax-free state to shop in a state with no sales tax.
Transforming how government does business will take time, and commitment, from partners inside and outside of government.
Explanations vary as to why the bull market continues. Many who predicted the market would tank, from Trump or Brexit, have yet to be proven correct.
Even the best plans can fail in the face of sudden policy changes. Keepers of the nuclear arsenal are scrambling.