When the Agriculture Department announce plans in August to relocate hundreds of employees from the D.C. area, some wondered whether the agency could force them to move. Former DHS CHCO Jeff Neal offers his take.
The government should be the employer of choice for many people. But is it? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons you might recommend a government job, and some reasons why you might not.
The Trump administration wants to cut costs in the giant federal retirement program by totally eliminating future COLAs for FERS retirees. If it becomes law the 2019 COLA would be the last.
Peter Kersten, a regional vice president for federal sales at F5, explains why moving to the cloud should be part of a broader strategy.
Online services are supposed to be uncomplicated. It's the programmer's job to mask complexity.
With 12 days until the new fiscal year and less than 50 from the midterm elections, many current and retired federal workers have a lot on their plate.
Given what has happened to retirement plans in the private sector, Uncle Sam looks mighty good compared to just about any company, large or small. But do you ever regret a career as a federal civil servant?
The Coalition for Government Procurement’s Medical/Surgical Subcommittee recognized VA's Medical/Surgical Prime Vector program for ensuring the delivery of best value health care solutions to veterans.
If you had it all to do over again, would you join a company with a good pension plan but a stressed out structure?
In the aftermath of last year's hurricane triple-whammy, state government needs to realize they're the first responders, not FEMA.
Storm watchers' biggest fear is that, like Hurricane Harvey last year, the giant Florence will slow almost to walking speed and dump feet of water on the East Coast, where the ground is already saturated.
I believe we should go with the idea of “first, do no harm.” That means giving employees a pay raise that is equal to, or at least close to, the military pay raise.
Kevin White, Gissa Sateri, and Pawin Chawanasunthornpot of REI Systems explains how agencies can move toward agile development.
On the 17th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Mike Causey shares a friend's written recollections of that fateful day from the Washington, D.C. area. It was the man's 48th birthday.
Allstate insurance company has come out with its annual best-and-worst list and neither Baltimore nor Washington, D.C., the two biggest hubs of federal workers, did not fare well.