
  • Unisys Corp. may have lost its last shot at keeping the lucrative Transportation Security Administration infrastructure contract.

    August 03, 2010
  • Social collaboration sites, blogs, and wikis are helping most agencies boost public participation and innovation. But what are Web 2.0 tools doing on the privacy and security front? Greg Wilshusen, Director of Information Security Issues at GAO, tells us with the Government Accountability Office has found.

    August 02, 2010
  • Posing as someone else and using fake birth certificates and driver\'s licenses to get a U.S. passport can still work. For the second time in two years, the GAO has found holes in the country\'s security by deliberately using fraudulent material to obtain passports. But the hole has gotten smaller. GAO\'s Greg Kutz joins us with details.

    August 02, 2010
  • As part of its latest undercover operation, the Government Accountability Office obtained certification in the Historically Underutilized Business Zone program for three phony firms. SBA\'s Joe Jordan tells us about changes being made to HUBZone as a result.

    August 02, 2010
  • Columnist Steve Kelman offers his insight.

    July 30, 2010
  • Congress enacted the fiscal year 2010 Exploration appropriation, which appropriated about $3.7 billion for \"exploration research and development activities.\" The GAO\'s Susan Polling tells us about how the funds are being, or not being, spent.

    July 30, 2010
  • A Senate panel probes the government\'s continued foreign language deficiencies. The Government Accountability Office finds limited progress across several agencies. DHS and DoD are taking steps to increase the number of employees with foreign language skills.

    July 30, 2010
  • GAO found significant success in obtaining passports using fraudulent documents in the second investigation in two years. While State is implementing facial recognition technology to close the existing gaps, lawmakers are introducing new legislation to give the agency more security capabilities.

    July 29, 2010
  • WFED\'s Jason Miller reports.

    July 29, 2010
  • Grande Lum will lead a program that has been plagued by fraud and abuse. GAO successfully received HUBZone certifications for three bogus firms in sting operation. SBA administrator promises more oversight of the program.

    July 29, 2010
  • Difficult but the war in Afghanistan can succeed. The words of Richard Holbrook, the top U.S envoy in Afghanistan and Pakistan yesterday before Congress at an oversight hearing on money being spent on the nine year old war in Afghanistan. Lawmakers expressed concern about corruption that\'s eaten up millions of dollars. Holbrooke said this is the toughest job he\'s ever had.

    July 29, 2010
  • You can now read GAO reports on your mobile device.

    July 28, 2010
  • Legislation to fund the troop surge in Afghanistan has been sent to President Barack Obama. But what about funding for FY 2011? Details from The Hill\'s Ian Swanson.

    July 28, 2010
  • A provision in the Commerce, Justice, State appropriations bill could give NIST a larger role in protecting federal and civilian computer networks. The plan is from one influential Maryland lawmaker, who believes the battle for cybersecurity needs to be fought in the Free State.

    July 28, 2010