
  • Just in time for its 75th anniversary in a little more than 10 days, the Federal Register is set to unveil an entirely new look -- online. And in keeping with the Obama Administration\'s emphasis on the Open Government Initiative, and using the tools of social collaboration, the new is expected to be the result of wider citizen participation.

    July 16, 2010
  • We learn what\'s in the report.

    July 15, 2010
  • Having failed to gain passage in late May, Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes is predicting success this time for his bill to expand teleworking in the federal government. Sarbanes\' bill could be considered by the full House as early as Wednesday.

    July 13, 2010
  • We learn why the congressional watchdog has been caught in the middle of the debate.

    July 12, 2010
  • It appears that the effort to pass a cyber-security bill is going to get a bit more tough then expected. Late last month, officials from Cisco, IBM and Oracle sent a letter to the main…

    July 07, 2010
  • What might be on Congress\'s agenda when they return from recess

    July 07, 2010
  • The Department of Homeland Security is still having issues with acquisition.

    July 06, 2010
  • GAO questions cloud computing security, DISA lease woes slow cybercommand

    July 06, 2010
  • Despite the potential benefits, a congressional watchdog warns that a more detailed game plan is needed to cover security and procedural concerns about cloud computing voiced by federal agencies themselves.

    July 02, 2010
  • Gen. David Petraeus is a little bit closer to becoming the next commander of the Afghanistan war. The Senate Armed Services Committee has voted in favor of the appointment. It now goes to the full Senate. He will replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal. He was fired last week for making disparaging remarks in an interview about administration officials. Petraeus could be confirmed by the weekend.

    July 01, 2010
  • The U.S. is better off with a new strategic arms reduction treaty with Russia than without it. That\'s what Secretary of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, also urged the committee to ratify the agreement, saying the treaty has the full support of uniformed leaders. The agreement reduces U.S. and Russian strategic nuclear forces in a way that strengthens the stability of the U.S.-Russian relationship, Gates said.

    July 01, 2010
  • Schizophrenic is how Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes Russia\'s relationship to Iran. In remarks before Congress he indicated Russian knows nukes in Iran would destabilized the region, but still Russia is pursuing a commercial relationship with Iran. Gates said he was told by his counterpart in Russia while he was head of the CIA in the 1990s, supporting Iran\'s nuclear reactor was all about the money.

    July 01, 2010
  • Administrator Gordon says strategic sourcing is one way to ensure the government gets the lowest price and to consolidate existing contracts. Gordon also wants agencies to submit business cases for new multi-agency contracts, but doesn\'t commit to asking agencies to justify all types of multiple award contracts.

    July 01, 2010