
  • As the H1N1 Swine Flu virus continues to spread, the Government Printing Office is going to airports (pdf). Its print procurement program is responsible for nearly 42,000 traveler information cards that have been handed out…

    May 04, 2009
  • Women working in the federal government still earn less than their male counterparts, but the pay gap is shrinking. The Government Accountability Office has done a report on the gender pay gap. It found the…

    April 29, 2009
  • GAO says OPM does not have a good plan for modernizing federal retirement planning system.

    April 23, 2009
  • The Office of Personnel Management is far behind in bringing the RetireEZ program up to date. That’s according to a report by the Government Accountability Office, which says that for the past twenty years OPM…

    April 23, 2009
  • GAO finds that the use of alternative dispute resolution is up by 25 percent in 2009

    April 17, 2009
  • OMB developing data standards to reduce strain on governmentwide systems

    April 15, 2009
  • By Jason Miller Executive Editor FederalNewsRadio Fewer companies are protesting contract awards made by the Defense Department over the last five years. Between 2004 and 2008, the Government Accountability Office found the number of protests…

    April 15, 2009
  • The FAA is very glad to be off the Government Accountability Office’s High Risk List – especially after fourteen years of being on it. Jim Washington, the FAA’s Vice President and Chief Acquisition Officer, told…

    April 09, 2009
  • Is all tax software created equal? The Government Accountability Office doesn’t think so. They recently published a report, Tax Administration: Many Taxpayers Rely on Tax Software and IRS Needs to Assess Associated Risks, that calls…

    April 09, 2009
  • New book highlights possible way forward to change HR system

    April 08, 2009
  • By Jason Miller Executive Editor FederalNewsRadio The Government Accountability Office April 3 set up a policy committee to provide advice on implementing electronic health records and other health information technology. GAO says in a release…

    April 06, 2009
  • One of our local lawmakers wants to change things for the better for federal workers. A huge piece of legislation has just passed the House of Representatives and will dramatically change the current Federal Employee…

    April 02, 2009
  • The Senate Finance Committee yesterday heard testimony from Acting Comptroller General Gene Dodaro and others during a hearing about the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). This on the heels of a recent GAO report: Troubled…

    April 02, 2009
  • The Government Printing Office is bringing printing technologies together with information technology. The end goal is to ensure the authenticity of documents whether passports or Congressional records. Tomorrow morning at 10:30 on Federal News Radio’s…

    April 01, 2009