Segment 1: Building Relationship Capital Segment 2: Rick Lesan, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Frontier Advisors
Segment 1: Top 10 Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Segment 2: Doug McPherson, McPherson Enterprises, LLC
Segment 1: Largest Tax Increase in United States History, Part 2 of 2 Segment 2: Emily Richards, Founder and President of Sade Clarity
Segment 1: to be recorded Segment 2: Mike Baker, Vice President, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Segment 1: Pros and cons of Probate Segment 2: Thomas Seneca, Partner, T.M. Wealth Management
Segment 1 - Checklist of Things to be Aware of When You Set-up & Incorporate Your Business Segment 2 - Kim Natovitz, President & Founder of the Natovitz Group
Segment 1 - Incentive Trusts Segment 2 - John Aggrey, Managing Partner of BizGravity
Segment 1 - 8 income items the IRS cannot touch for income tax purposesSegment 2 - Jeremy Farber, President and CEO of PC Recycler
Segment 1: Top 10 Income Tax Deductions People MissSegment 2: Dave Schombert, Founder, President and CIO of Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC
Segment 1: Choosing a Successor Trustee Segment 2: Sharon M. Snow, CEO, CCO of Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC
Segment 1: 2010 Asset Protection Developments Segment 2 : Rick Lesan, Principal, Frontier Advisors
Segment 1 : Non-tax estate planning mistakes by attorneys Segment 2 : Jeffrey McCandless, Managing Partner, Stone Harbour Partners
Segment 1 : Directors & Officers Insurance Segment 2 : Stuart Ritter, T. Rowe Price Family Finance Expert (rerun from 7-9-11)
Segment 1: Dividing Tangible Personal Property Segment 2: Leonard Wolf, CPA, The Wolf Group