ASMC The Business of Defense

  • A report from the Senate Homeland Security committee said the Defense Department did not inform or train commanders about how to recognize a radicalized Islamic extremist or how to see the difference between that and the peaceful practice of Islam. In addition, the FBI was harshly criticized for not totally sharing information with the military about Major Nidal Hasan and his views and beliefs. the FBI did not pass on some of the initial information up the chain about Hasan\'s connections because they said it wasn\'t clear he was connected to terrorists.

    February 18, 2011
  • Billions of dollars in weapons deals with Egypt are probably going to be put on hold until the situation clears up there. No one from the Pentagon has said things have been shutdown, but one thing is clear, U.S. arms firms may notice a downturn in the near term. Egypt is due to get $1.3 billion in military aid from the U.S this year. Experts say while the deals may not be on the fast track, they won\'t disappear, because regardless of who comes to power in North African and Middle Eastern countries facing crises, there will be a demand for U.S. weapons

    February 18, 2011
  • Dr. Don Berwick Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Former Congressman Bob Edgar (D-Pa.) President & CEO, Common Cause Susan Turnbull Chair, Maryland Democratic Party Brian Frayer Assistant Chief Shop Steward, AFGE Local 1401 Lance Parcell Shop Steward, AFGE Local 1101 Pete Kovac Shop Steward, AFGE Local 2302

    February 17, 2011
  • February 14th and February 16th, 2011 A Conversation on An Open Government Implementation Model: Moving to Increased Public Engagement

    February 15, 2011
  • A troubled economy and mobile technology are changing the workplace landscape. Literally.

    February 14, 2011
  • FMA joins the show to discuss its National Convention and Management Training Seminar. Find out what you can expect if you attend the event. February 11, 2011

    February 11, 2011
  • Rick McCoy President, AFGE TSA Local 777 Don Thomas President, AFGE TSA Local 556 Don Hale AFGE DEFCON Chair Patty Viers AFGE DEFCON Vice Chair Chris Crane President, AFGE Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council 118 Lorenzo Garza Executive Vice President, AFGE Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council 118 Rick Diaz Secretary-Treasurer, AFGE Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council 118

    February 10, 2011
  • February 7th and February 9th, 2011 Rafael Borras oversees management of the Department of Homeland Security\'s $56 billion budget, appropriations, expenditure of funds, and accounting, and finance.

    February 08, 2011
  • February 9th, 2011 Listen as The Honorable Tom Davis discusses the changes on the Hill and what they could mean for government agencies.

    February 07, 2011
  • Scientists at the Department of Energy\'s Ames Research Lab have been able to customize the performance of magnets by strategically replacing key atoms within the material of the magnet. It\'s a process similar to what bioengineers use when they add or delete genes to create synthetic organisms. A group of researchers successfully replaced key atoms in a magnetic compound with atoms of lutetium and lanthanum. Researchers say the discovery may eventually help as scientists search for new exotic substances for use in high-tech products used today and for those in the future. Researchers say - knowing how to identify key atomic positions is similar to understanding the roles specific genes play in an organism\'s DNA sequence - and that knowledge could ultimately lead to materials by design.

    February 07, 2011
  • Before the teleworkforce can grab the iPad and go, data storage will need to hit the cloud.

    February 07, 2011
  • Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.) Former Congresswoman Barbara Kennelly (D-Conn.) President & CEO, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Bob Weiner Former Clinton White House Senior Aide Ron Pollack Executive Director, Families USA

    February 02, 2011
  • February 8th, 2011 at Noon Today\'s cybersecurity threat continues to evolve into a broad and sophisticated range of adversaries with the skills, resources, patience and motivation to accomplish their goal. Whether it is the theft of intellectual property, state secrets, or the disruption/destruction of critical systems and infrastructure that power our economy and ensure our National security, our Nation is at risk. America\'s cybersecurity against the Advanced Persistent Threat depends on Information Technology as never before. However, it is more than a technology issue. Cybersecurity requires an integrated approach across the full spectrum of people, process and technology to leverage and provide a way of thinking and action to address the issues. The threat to our National economic prosperity and cybersecurity has never been greater and is advancing at a rapid pace in its persistence every day. The goal of this discussion is to explore how the threat has evolved, what the implications are for business leaders, government officials, and our society, and an approach to address this growing challenge.

    February 02, 2011
  • Researchers with the National Science Foundation say they\'ve discovered what makes an organutan an orangutan. They\'re not being specious... But rather claim that a new map of the genetic code of endangered orangutans will yield important new conservation tools and insights into evolution. For the first time, scientists have mapped the genome--the genetic code--of orangutans. There are two species of orangutans, defined primarily by their island of origin--either Sumatra, where there about 75-hundred of the creatures, and they\'re considered critically-endangered -- or Borneo where there are about about 50,000. The map of the orangutan genome may support conservation efforts by helping zoos create breeding programs designed to maintain the genetic diversity of captive populations, which can improve a species\' resiliency.

    February 02, 2011