Federal Report

  • As Americans, we learn from childhood that all men (and women) are created equal. But as we get older, wiser and more experienced, read George Orwell's "Animal Farm" or go to work for the government, we learn that some people are created more equal than others. So is Uncle Sam running a sort of Animal Farm? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks.

    August 26, 2013
  • When it comes to figuring out sequestration and furloughs, the phrase that most often comes to federal workers' lips is "WTF." Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it stands for "What're The Facts" behind the political monstrosity that triggered furloughs, and — in some agencies — could produce layoffs next year?

    August 23, 2013
  • For the past several years, politicians aided and abetted by the media and some think tanks have turned federal workers into punching bags, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Many feds are fed up. And some are working on ways to fight back.

    August 22, 2013
  • NARFE's David Snell will talk about a health care option for feds without children and Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will give us an update on 2014 budget negotiations and other issues affecting federal employees. August 21, 2013

    August 21, 2013
  • A proposed change to how federal retirees' cost-of-living adjustments are calculated could have a huge, negative impact, according to David Snell of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. NARFE is urging its members and retirees to contact their congressmen during the week of Sept. 16 to express their opposition to the chained consumer price index.

    August 21, 2013
  • A popular cable TV show involves doomsday preppers. These people expect an economic collapse, because of war, weather or natural disaster, forcing everyone to fend for themselves. What's one group that has yet to be featured? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks. Federal workers, who face the very real dangers very soon.

    August 21, 2013
  • Last week, we wrote about the government profiling chicken skeletons from China. Admittedly, the news flow is slow in August, but it was a legitimate story. So we asked why it happens, and what would you do with a pair of chicken skeletons from China. The results, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey, are shocking — for August.

    August 20, 2013
  • Tired of being a political punching bag? Sick of being the representative poster child for the overpaid, underworked, fireproof bloated bureaucracy? If so, should you fight back? And exactly how would that work, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know.

    August 19, 2013
  • So what would you do if somebody gave you a gift of a pair of Chinese chicken skeletons? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks. Do you put them on the mantle, use them as a centerpiece or quietly re-gift? What Uncle Sam does is check them for bugs and return them to the sender.

    August 16, 2013
  • Politicians keep pushing key federal agencies — the ones that most touch the public — to do more with less. But there are times when it appears politicians don't care if feds do less with less, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    August 15, 2013
  • Senior Executives Association president Carol Bonosaro will discuss a new survey where government execs were asked their opinions on a wide variey of issues. August 14, 2013

    August 14, 2013
  • When it comes to salaries, federal executives are somewhere between Wall Street and Wal-Mart. But a new study shows that government execs are unhappy and worried about the future for themselves and their agencies, according to Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    August 14, 2013
  • People in Washington, D.C., aren't always the friendliest, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Is that because the headquarters of most federal agencies are here? Is it because Congress is here? Did each state and each congressional district conspire to send us the 535 people they definitely don't want hanging around at home? (This column originally appeared July 8.)

    August 13, 2013
  • Is your federal health plan heading for the sick list? Could premiums go up and benefits be reduced in the future? That is very possible now that members of Congress and their law-writing staff members will be moving out of the cradle-to-grave FEHBP into state exchanges next year.

    August 12, 2013