Federal Report

  • Despite dire predictions, the world didn't end when sequestration started. It was more whimper than bang. But that is changing as never-gonna-happen furloughs have started to happen, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. The problem is that the people who devised the medicine — the White House and Congress — don't have to take it.

    June 18, 2013
  • Do federal workers dream and, if so, about what? Apparently, many have the same dream sequence starting with love, then moving to the promotion ladder and finally it ends with lusting for acronyms. So, where are you in the dream cycle? Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's column for more.

    June 17, 2013
  • If traffic is a little light today, don't credit it entirely to the weather or people on alternative work schedules. In many places you can chalk it up to the presence of the F-word, which is becoming part of the deal if you work for Uncle Sam, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 14, 2013
  • Just as many cats get very nervous around dogs, many federal workers tense up when the discussion turns to the subject of federal contractors. And while there is tension, there are also instances when feds become contractors and contractors turn into civil servants. The ongoing NSA leak flap has many people thinking anew about the sometimes uneasy alliance between insiders and outsiders, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 13, 2013
  • John Grobe, president of Federal Career Experts, will answer your calls and emails about possible changes to your pay and benefits package. June 12, 2013

    June 12, 2013
  • More is often better than less, unless its ants at a picnic, your expanding waistline or the number of threats to your pay and benefits. So just how bad are things, and what's next for members of the federal family, retirees and people who get Social Security benefits? Checkout Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's Federal Report.

    June 12, 2013
  • What do you do when your friends and neighbors are told how to find out exactly how much money you make because you work for the government? Do you think it's public information? Do you grin and bare it? Or do you get mad? Lots of people are unhappy with the latest federal pay information dump, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 11, 2013
  • What would your neighbor, your bragging brother-in-law and your ex-spouse say if they knew how much you really make as a government worker? Did you maybe forget to tell your significant other about that big bonus you got in 2012? Now the world knows, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 10, 2013
  • The good news is that phased retirement is here at last. OPM has issued the draft regulations that will permit some people to transition into retirement. The not-so-good-news is that phased retirement isn't for everybody, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. You may want it, but does it want you?

    June 07, 2013
  • D-Day, some call it the longest day, began 69 years ago today. Veterans of World War II are all old men and women now. They are dying at the rate of more than 1,000 a day. If you know or knew any of them you are lucky. Either way, take a second to give them a salute, even if they can't see you, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 06, 2013
  • On this week's Your Turn program, Mike interviews Paul Forte with Long Term Care Partners and retirement expert Stan Hinden.

    June 05, 2013
  • Did you know the majority of Americans who go bankrupt do so because of high medical bills -- even though most of them have health insurance, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So, what's the perfect way to protect yourself? Can you say long-term care insurance?

    June 05, 2013
  • Welcome to sequestration, which is currently the world's longest-running interactive game show starring you, your granny, and all your friends and neighbors, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. The question is: Are you having fun yet?

    June 04, 2013
  • The Washington area is alive and very well as it enters the third month of sequestration, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But what about feds in other places? Is their life beyond the Beltway? What's sequestration doing to feds in Ogden, Utah, and Maricopa County. Ariz.? How are communities like Hampton, Va., and Huntsville, Ala., holding up?

    June 03, 2013