Is it possible to kick a group into shape? When you want to motivate your staff, do you yell at them and tell them they are losers? Is this how coaches create winning teams? If so, federal workers are on the right track, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.
NARFE Director of Benefit Services David Snell and Steve Watkins and Sean Reilly of the Federal Times will talk about issues that could affect your retirement. September 19, 2012
OPM made changes to successfully chip away at an ongoing inadequacy, but the progress came after years of complaints from retired federal employees and urgings from lawmakers. Federal News Radio speaks with David Snell, director of retirement services for the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association as part of the special report, The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years.
Unless you get a better job offer or die first, odds are you will probably retire from the federal government. And that can be a very good deal, Senior Correspodent Mike Causey says. But the start of the so-called Golden Years can be rough on your standard of living.
What's the difference between a pay raise for active-duty federal workers and a cost-of-living adjustment for retirees and Social Security beneficiaries? This time around it's about 1.38 percent, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. So who's the winner?
Would you like to be present when Uncle Sam, as an employer, gets a physical? Is the federal government a better or worse place to work today than it was a few years ago. For a stem-to-stern look at pay, benefits, acquisition, diversity and contracting, check us out today, starting with Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's column.
Looking for something to take your mind off the pending pay freeze extension? If so, consider the prospect of higher taxes, lower take-home pay and higher health insurance premiums, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.
Despite the prospect of an extended pay freeze, many nonpostal workers have their "wigs" to keep them warm, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So, how do you get a 3 percent raise while salaries are frozen at 2010 levels?
Attorney Tom O'Rourke and Federal Times' Steve Losey joined Mike Causey.
Even after the most horrible event, life goes on. We talked to a number of current and former feds who were here, in D.C., when the Pentagon and the World Trade Centers were hit. All had one common theme, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says: They will never forget what they were doing that day...
Sept. 11, 2001 was also a Tuesday. So what were you doing and where were you when you got the news? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks: Did it change your life forever?
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Has the long-feared retirement tsunami hit the federal government? And if so, could the so- called brain drain be a career life-saver for tens of thousands of unemployed or under employed millennials?
If Uncle Sam really drives off the sequestration cliff in January, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Do you have a job parachute?
With pay frozen and pensions threatened, federal workers and retirees have been waiting for the next shoe to drop — the what's-next moment. But it could be good news for a change, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, like changes to your health insurance package.
Federal News Radio's Jason Miller will talk about a recent confrontation between a GSA official and an agent in the Inspector General's office. Steve Losey and Andy Medici from the Federal Times will discuss the pay debate and other issues affecing federal workers. September 5, 2012