Will retirees get a one-time $250 check? On this week\'s Your Turn host Mike Causey talks with Dan Adcock and David Snell from National Active and Retired Federal Employees about the upcoming lame duck session of Congress. October 27, 2010
With Congress about to consider a federal pay freeze, furloughs and maybe even RIFs, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has produced the icing on the cake. He found a federal worker who admits he slept on the job during last winter\'s 31-inch snowstorm that all but shut DC down.
Social Security Administration workers have improved service despite a rough year dealing with the public. As a reward they are going to get an extra day off on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Does that increase the odds for it to happen in your agency? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey thinks so.
Halloween is still more than a week away, but for many federal and postal retirees, and retired feds, it started months ago and probably will continue through the end of this year. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks about furloughs, a possible pay freeze and even layoffs.
Social Security and retired feds won\'t be getting a cost of living adjustment next year, but they once again may get a flat $250 payment courtesy of Congress and the administration. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks is this fair and just, or just another political senior moment?
Are you considering a Roth IRA? How do you know if it\'s the right option for you? Bob Leins of the National Institute of Transition Planning joins Mike Causey on this week\'s Your Turn. John Montague of WAEPA will also join the show to explain why some life insurance plans may be better than FEGLI for some federal workers. October 20, 2010
Pets over people. Discrimination in the federal health insurance program. Sounds outrageous but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s all a mistake.
Is all this talk about about furloughs, a pay freeze and now layoffs serious stuff or is this a political pile-on that will go away after the election. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tests your conspiracy theory IQ.
Are you a member of the government\'s 20 percent club? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it offers a fabulous, super-safe and little known savings investment deal that is backed by the U. S. Treasury and only open to a select group of federal and postal workers.
If Congress decides to give you a 10 day furlough, would you want it one-day at a time or in all at once? We asked feds about furlough options and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey finds they have some very interesting, creative, thoughts on the subject.
A Yemen-based terrorist group has suggested that attacking Washington restaurants full of federal workers would be a good way to get lots of publicity. While it is a deadly serious threat, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is a flaw in the plan.
Do you remember the good old days of double-digit certificates of deposit? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that even in these lean times some long-time feds still have an exclusive investment option that beats the competition.
Federal benefits expert Tammy Flanagan joins host Mike Causey with details on the Voluntary Contribution Program. They\'ll discuss how it works, who can join it, and how it would work with a Roth option. October 13, 2010
When it returns for a post-election session, a grumpy, angry Congress may take up a proposal to furlough federal workers for up to two weeks next year. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders, is there another solution? Like maybe working holidays!
If you\'re off today, enjoy it because, as Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reminds us, many federal workers are on the job today and for thousands of private sector employees this is one of those holidays that isn\'t.