The GOP wants deep cuts in a continuing resolution, meanwhile President Obama has threatened to veto. Keeping the government funded is what\'s at stake. Budget expert James Horney explains.
The Defense Department has requested enough money to put the Afghan national security forces in a good position to defend their own country, but the current level of funding for the effort is not sustainable in view of budgetary and other concerns, says Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.
Some administration officials fear the acquisition workforce can\'t properly manage government contracts. Dan Gordon said strengthening that workforce is OFPP\'s number one priority. He also said he wants to improve communication between government acquisition officers and industry.
House Speaker John Boehner rejected any temporary funding measures that does not include serious cuts.
Comptroller General Gene Dodaro discusses government management and projects on the high-risk list.
The state\'s public employees are storming the statehouse to protest proposed increases to health care and pension, and the loss of collective bargaining rights.
The Office of the Director for National Intelligence has a new chief information officer - Al Tarasiuk.
The poll relates to two amendments in the House that are proposing a freeze on step increases under the General Schedule.
When the economy is down, the Patent and Trademark Office receives fewer patent applications. Anthony Scardino, CFO of USPTO explains why that makes it hard to predict what managers should commit from the discretionary funds.
As CFO for HUD, Doug Criscitello is responsible for overseeing the financial management practices that ensure the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development meets the needs of the housing community. He tells Federal News Radio that\'s not so easy.
The second F-35 engine was to be built by General Electric and Rolls Royce as an alternative in case the primary engine built by Pratt & Whitney failed.
GAO\'s biannual list includes 30 programs that are in trouble. House and Senate members promise to focus more of their attention on the initiatives most at risk. Members plan to use the model that worked for DoD and personnel security clearances in other problematic areas.
Budget expert Stephen Ryan explains the likelihood of a government shutdown as budget talks continue.
The government watchdog agency highlights 30 areas that are at-risk of major problems or failure. Auditors added Interior\'s handling of gas and oil resources, but several on-going challenges saw the scope of oversight shrink because of progress agencies have made.