
  • FCC has tapped a former Microsoft executive to help revamp the agency\'s web and data resources. The goal: to \"reboot\" FCC.gov, and make it a model for how government uses the web to serve citizens.

    September 14, 2010
  • FEW and USDA build a partnership based on recruitment, training, retention, advancement and involvement of women in USDA\'s workforce and programs, as well as other areas of mutual interest.

    September 13, 2010
  • Written with the understanding that joint, inter-agency, intergovernmental and multinational partners will be key players in future warfare, the Army Operating Concept provides guidance on how the Army will function in the multi-player environment during 2016-2028. Lt. Gen. Michael Vane explains.

    September 13, 2010
  • The White House releases 56 agency sustainability plans showing how the government will meet an assortment of energy efficiency goals. Federal Environmental Executive Michelle Moore said ideas run the gamut from recycling to computer power management. The administration is hosting the GreenGov Symposium in October to help educate and promote agency goals.

    September 13, 2010
  • Often times, what separates the best agencies from the rest is leadership. Successful agencies proactively identify, assess, develop and retain the right leadership talent. Through Aon\'s leadership assessment and development programs, senior executives will show improvement on key competencies usually within eight months, increasing leadership performance ratings by nearly twenty percent . Aon helps agencies pinpoint the specific attributes their leaders need, and uses assessments, role plays, and coaching, to provide the most appropriate experiences and immediate feedback needed to grow.

    September 10, 2010
  • Are there really professional whistleblowers? If so, can we live with that? We talk about it with attorney Bill Bransford.

    September 10, 2010
  • Big changes are in the works for the Pentagon Inspector General\'s Office after a report from one of the top Republicans in the Senate finds billions of dollars in possible fraud and overpayments. The Project on Government Oversight receives a response from the DoD IG detailing a new approach to how it does business.

    September 10, 2010
  • Learn more from the results of a Harvard/Booz Allen Hamilton study

    September 09, 2010
  • Learn more about a new GAO report

    September 09, 2010
  • VA issues second contract for Agent Orange claims

    September 09, 2010
  • Some changes at GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service. Tamela “Tami” Riggs will move from GSA’s Public Building Service and has been named to the post of Assistant Commissioner, Office of Customer Accounts and Research for GSA’s…

    September 08, 2010
  • The Pentagon\'s top watchdog has abandoned efforts to do in-depth audits of defense contracts, leaving billions of dollars in taxpayer money at risk because of overpayments and fraud, according to an investigative report due to be made public Thursday.

    September 08, 2010
  • A watchdog group has uncovered massive reporting errors in data on USASpending.gov. The Sunlight Foundation says that accounts for half of the government spending data reported last year. After spending over a year looking at the reports on USA Spending.gov, Sunlight\'s web developer Kaitlin Lee says they\'ve launched ClearSpending.com to demonstrate their findings.

    September 08, 2010
  • Veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in Vietnam and other areas will have an easier path to access quality health care and qualify for disability compensation. The VA\'s Brad Mayes explains.

    September 08, 2010
  • One of the Obama administration\'s biggest partners when it comes to the use of technology for open government, the Sunlight Foundation, is questioning whether the push for gov 2.0 is running out of steam. Ellen Miller, Sunlight\'s executive director, calls the open data plans disappointing because 12 of 30 agencies didn\'t list any data sets for release. Federal CTO Aneesh Chopra said he welcomes the criticism.

    September 08, 2010