A list of important resources for agencies and contractors interested in the greening of government.
The General Services Administration and Metropolis magazine pose this challenge to designers and architects: Take a 1960s federal office building and redesign it to have zero environmental impact.
By Olivia Branco Federal News Radio Most agencies say it’s important to implement sustainable practices, but some federal executives say their agencies are not making progress when it comes to being green. That’s the finding…
The White House releases 56 agency sustainability plans showing how the government will meet an assortment of energy efficiency goals. Federal Environmental Executive Michelle Moore said ideas run the gamut from recycling to computer power management. The administration is hosting the GreenGov Symposium in October to help educate and promote agency goals.
DoE set up Energy Savings Performance Contracts with several different companies to work under a share-in-savings approach to reduce agency utility bills. Agencies do not have to pay upfront costs to move electricity or other infrastructure away from fossil fuels. The contracts could help agencies meet the White House\'s carbon footprint and greenhouse goals.
A building that runs on almost no energy. It\'s not magic, it\'s called a net zero building -- and the Energy Department can now boast of creating the world\'s largest.
What\'s white and green and efficient all over? DOE hopes it\'s your roof.
The Senate unanimously passed the bill.
Legislation calls for agencies to adopt computer power savings techniques, implement advanced metering technology and create energy data standards.
All Federal agencies are required to submit annual Sustainability Plans starting in June 2010. The plans must outline how the agency will meet the mandates of Executive Order 13514 to conserve more, consume less and substantially reduce its carbon footprint. In this interview, representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) will talk about the key components of Sustainability Plans, including implementation, monitoring and challenges.
WFED\'s Jason Miller reports from the Coalition for Government Procurement Conference.
The President\'s executive order about creating a greener government is on its way to being a year old. What\'s changed since last October?
President Obama was in Denver Tuesday to sign The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known to most of us as the stimulus bill. That bill includes money for alternative energy, but federal buildings at the Denver Federal Center (DFC) are already using alternative energy
President Obama is in Denver today to sign The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known to most of us as the stimulus bill. That bill includes money for alternative energy. And right there in Denver,…