
  • Ridge Global, an international provider of security and risk management services, has announced the appointment of Amit Yoran, CEO of Netwitness Corporation, to the company\'s board of advisors.

    October 19, 2010
  • Department of Health and Human Services officials are preparing for the opening of the new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation in January. The office is supposed to help spread the use of innovative new payment and delivery systems to drive down the cost, and expand the availability of health care nationwide.

    October 19, 2010
  • GSA and Metropolis magazine are teaming up to give $10,000 to the best design that makes an old federal building green. The DorobekINSIDER spoke with Casey Jones, director of design excellence and the arts at GSA, about the contest.

    October 18, 2010
  • Ashley Bergander, manager of federal programs for FedSources, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the list of the Top 50 Opportunities for Contractors.

    October 18, 2010
  • Irrational optimism is a key to why infrastructure projects are often estimated to cost less than they actually do, the Wall Street Journal reports.

    October 18, 2010
  • The federal government found it had 1,000 more data centers than previously estimated, Government Computer News reports. In the past eight months, agencies have been identifying data centers as part of the Federal Data Center…

    October 18, 2010
  • The DC Office of Chief Technology Officer starts a Results-Only Work Environment, GovLoop and American Progress report.

    October 18, 2010
  • An unnamed senior U.S. defense official reportedly said China appears to be backing away from its descriptions of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. However, China is expected to build 30 vessels during the next five years for marine law enforcement. A softening of language or other gestures are tactical adjustments for a near-term benefit, but signify no substantive change. China is on a path to assert and demonstrate its dominance in Asia, evidenced by ambitious naval construction, expanding naval operational areas and expansion of the law enforcement fleet. This is a strategic warning that maritime confrontations will increase in both volume and frequency.

    October 18, 2010
  • 2010 ELC plans to bring together leaders from government and industry to discuss how results-oriented approaches are working, how to address existing capability gaps, and how to sustain continuous government transformation. We get a preview from conference chairs Kathy Conrad and Dave McClure.

    October 18, 2010
  • The U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service and the U.S. Navy recently completed the rollout of the Navy Cash Stored Value Card program across the entire active Navy Surface Fleet. Graham Mackenzie, a spokesman for Navy Cash, joins us with details.

    October 18, 2010
  • Increasing efficiency is one of the Obama administration\'s top initiatives and achieving that goal relies, at least in part, to consolidating data centers. Richard Fishera with Forrester Research explains the process.

    October 18, 2010
  • Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz said health care costs could make up as much as $65 billion of the defense budget by 2015. He said Air Force must work with other services to help reduce costs.

    October 18, 2010
  • October 18th and October 20th Harvey sets the Center\'s strategy and directs internal and external operations.

    October 15, 2010
  • Sandra Gurvis, author of the Handbook for Managing Telework, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the five steps to successfully managing teleworkers.

    October 15, 2010